Chapter 10

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Its been a few days since Nana and Papa got here. They insisted on taking us all out for lunch in town, but it was raining, that didn't stop them.

Mum also invited Noahs family, I looked in the mirror. I put a blue denim skirt on with a small white cropped singlet and my butterfly Nikes.

I walked down stairs as I put my dangling earrings in and brushed my hair.

"Brush" mum had her hand out.

"perfume" we swapped things and then left them on the table.

"Good to go" we said at the same time.

"Aw how you two are so cute" Nana walks out wearing a white summer dress and a denim jacket.

"You never age do you" Mum says I stand there for a second and laugh.

"C'mon, get your asses moving" Nan shuffles everyone out the door.

Cooper runs out the door in the last second, hair a mess. He shows a lopsided smile as he breathes heavily, Charlie follows soon after along with Papa.

"Get in the car, someones gotta go in the back" Nan walks to the drivers side as papa goes to the passenger.

"shot not" everyone looks at me.

"Fine I will" I hop in the car and jump over the back seat, pulling the seat down and strapping in.

20 minutes past as we pull up to a very popular cafe.

Everyone steps out of the car, I climb over the back seat and close the door behind me. We Walk over to see Noahs family saving a huge Table for all of us.

My eyes search the table, DAD!. I gasp "DAD!" I run over and hug him, "Your back, why You back early?"

"Only went down for a couple of events, nothin big" he smiles hugging the rest of the family.

Nan and Papa smile "Surprise" they say, my mum smiling. I guess she didn't know either.

I look over to see Noah smiling at me, I look at him and smile. He shakes his head like he didn't even realise he was smiling.

I take a seat, as everyone bombardes each other in conversation.

I just stare across the road at the ocean. The waves are full and are great for Mal's.

"What can we get you guys" A blonde waitress walks over, everyone orders something.

" And what would you like" she looks at me.

"Could I please get an Açai bowl" I place the menu in her hand.

"is that all" she takes one last look at the table.

"Yeah thank you" My nana smiles and goes back to her conversation.

"Lexi, 12 o'clock" I look at Charlie then look where he mentioned, Oh you have got to be joking. I look at Charlie and give him that wtf do I do face. He just puts his hands in the air.

"Lexi what is he talking about" Noah asks. Parents and the twins oblivious to what's happen on this side of the table.

"Don't worry, Nothing important at all" I shake my head.

"Omg Lexi, How are you?" A bitchy Glint in her eye and she walks over to the table with her little minions following.

"yeah, Im-" she cuts me off.

"oh my, Lexi introduce me to your friends" Ella looks at Noah and Brody.

"Im Noah, sweet-cheeks. And this is my idiot of brother Brody" Noah shows a seductive smirk as she lays her hand on his shoulder letting out a tiny giggle.

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