Chapter 20

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Noah left, a huge smile on his face, to go into town with his brother and the boys. They're going to have a 'boys' lunch.

I can't help the smile that comes to my lips, I roll my eyes thinking about him before he asked me, he was just so...fuckboy-ish and well he asked me out.

I scream, my smile widening, the couple walking past me stare in confusion, I just wave and go red.

I look out at the beach, the water seems happy, AH everything seems happy and I...just can't explain it.

Just imagine your crush, the guy you fell helplessly in love with from word go and you don't know why, liking you back and actually asking you out. Never in a million year would I have thought one of my crushes would actually liked me back.

I run into the water board in hand, Alice was already out there with the parents. I paddle out beyond the break to meet Alice. A huge smile on my face.

"You seem happy. What happened?" She questions a confused smile on her face.

I bite my lip and give a little internal scream. "He asked me out" I say in one quick breath.

Her eyes go wide, her mouth falls open. She just sits there looking at me not moving. Then all of sudden she just rolled her eyes "i knew it was gonna happen". She just smirks. "but fuck yess, finally" she screams as she lunges to me, letting her board slip from underneath her and making my board shoot from the water when she pulls me off ,the board gets pulled back by the leg rope almost hitting us.

"so what happened" she wiggles her eyebrows. I told her what happen from when she left to now.

A few hours pasted Alice and I are still in the water, I paddle for a wave, I'm on the peak of the wave so my board is caught easily, I drop down the face pushing up off my board with a perfect pop up. The board glides along the face, the lip curves around me, I hunker down as the wave tries to enclose me in its tube. I feel the barrel started to close, I speed up and get spat out before the wall of water collapses. I dive off.

"yew" I hear a voice holler, I turn my head to see Charlie. "nice barrel sis" he winks "And boy"

I instantly go red. "I guess you found out" I climb onto my board and paddle next to him.

"I guess you found out" he tries to impersonate me "Noahs whipped he couldn't stop smiling, so we bashed it out of him"

"No don't hurt him" my eyes widen

"oh my only been together for like a few hours and you're already protective of him" he laughs "And don't worry we didn't, he kinda just told us when we asked...he's happy you know" my brother gives a genuine smile.

"He is?" I sigh just thinking about him.

"Can you stop drooling" Brody splashes me. The boys laugh.

"Shut up ya Kook" I splash back.

"What did you just call me" Brody raises his brows looking like he is ready to attack.

"i- uh...that you're an amazing surfer and Charlie really wants to be you" I show a huge fake smile.

"thats what I though" Brody brushes off imaginary dust off his shoulders.

Charlie scoffs "Mm totally want to be a stuck up kook", they start going at it so I paddle to Alice.

"Nice barrel" she says with a strong enthusiastic voice.

"Thank you" I sing back.

Her eyes widen and she looks out at the horizon "Oh look wave" she paddles off. I laugh. And then I realise why.

"Hey" his deep voice comes from behind me, why am I all of sudden nervous, shouldn't I be more comfortable around him now that we're 'something'.

I take a deep breath and turn around, my gaze meeting his. "Noah" I smile. My heart is pumping and I feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"So uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go some where this evening? its a surprise though" he sits up and wait for my response patiently.

"Of course I will" I feel my cheeks getting warmer "can you tell me though I'm not patient" I whine. He just laughs and shakes his head.

"tell me" I ask giving him a frown. He just shakes his head. I just look at him and lunge off my board and pull him under the water, I open my eyes and see a blurry Noah in front of me, I can just make out his smile. I roll my eyes and come up.

I can here his chuckle as I reach the surface "Just wait" he gets back on his board.

"pfft you just wait" I look at him smirk on my face, before he can say anything, I paddle strong, letting the wave catch my board.

I pop up and zig zag across the wave, I take a strong bottom turn and hit the lip, the spay showing a rainbow. I glide back down the wave and ride it smoothly until it starts to reform.

I paddle back out, Noah carving up the wave coming towards me. His body twists as he hits the lip, the spray hitting the people behind it. At that second I realise he's only wearing boardies, his torso flexes in all places possible as he twists and turns. His abs so defined. He really is that ripped. I mentally moan.

He looks up and shows a cocky smirk. "Keep staring its yours" he rides past me gliding along the wave.

My heart pumps faster as my face reddens, well he's not wrong. I reach my brothers.

"Im going to kill him if he hurts you" I turn to them to be surprised that it came out of coopers mouth not Charlies.

"uh-what" I look at Charlie my brow raised.

"Im doing the same" he just shrugs.

Im stunned to hear Cooper say that he's 14 and already protective of me, Charlie was protective since day one.

"I can look after myself, thank you very much" I cross my arms.

"Mm sure you can, look where that led you last time" Charlie looks at me.

"You would bring that up, and he's not like that" I scoff

"hey im just looking out for you that's what big brothers do, and after last time id rather not take any chances" he just paddles off after that.

"yeah for sure" I mumble. The afternoon sky passes slowly as the sun starts to settle. I can feel my skin was burnt from the long afternoon out.

"Hey babe, can we go in" I snap my head to Noahs direction.

I mentally freeze, we're at babe already. "Yeah sure" I paddle for the oncoming wave, Noah next to me.

I pump and glide along the wave, Noah next to me. As the wave reforms I lay back on my board and paddle catching the reform and riding it the rest of the way to shore.

I hop up and get out of the water, undo my leg rope and swing it over my board.

Noahs free arm goes around me. "Go and get ready, I'll meet you back here in a halfa"

"ready for what?" I soon as it came out I mentally slap my self, of course I would forget

"Our date, Duh" he chuckles

"Yeah ok, im forgetful" I roll my eyes.

I drop my board next to the others, Noah and I go our seperate ways.

"I'll see you soon" he hugs me.

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