Chapter 33

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The day gets lighter once again. "Come on Lexi you need to get out of bed" mums voice holds worry and sadness. "It's been a week, you haven't been at school, come on" she sits on the bed and rubs my back.
I don't respond.
"I know it's hard, and god Ella is a bitch" She's mad too.
"Mm" I mumble. I haven't really spoken either. "One more day" I don't look at her.
"One more" she whispers, the door shuts and I watch the sky once more, the care free birds flying across the multicoloured sky, oh how I would do anything to be you right now. The surf looking fun but not intriguing at this moment.
Alice, cooper, Charlie, josh, Max and Brody have all tried to get me out of bed, get me to go surfing, go do something useful.
For once I get up, I walk to my mirror, my reflection scares me but I don't flinch. The hideous bags, the very noticeable tear stains and the tiredness in my face is something you can't miss. My eyes are red and puffy, all because of the crying my self to sleep every night, wearing the same shirt and shorts I've been wearing for the past week. I sit back down on my bed. My phone buzzes.
Noah - 17 Missed calls
Noah - 13 messages
Dad : come down stairs please.
Alice : please come surfing :/
I don't go down stairs and I don't respond back, I leave my phone on the bed, hopefully it will run out of charge soon.
I sit back on my bed. Tears fall once more, but I hold a straight face, like a motionless waterfall.
My window seal holds a photo of us, laughing at something on an anniversary, 5 months.
I stand up, an angry frown on my face. I walk up and grab the frame, so tight my knuckles go white. I clench my teeth as I look at him, his smile. I squeeze my eyes shut and face the ceiling. I hold a hand over my mouth making sure no sound leaves my mouth as I cry even more, a small whimper escapes. I take a deep breath and cry trying so hard to not make a sound.
I drop the frame. Like my heart, it shatters. The photo now exposed. More Tears fall.
"Are you alright?" A light knock comes from the door.
"Yeah...just dropped something" I held my voice as still as possible, holding in the hiccup.
"Sure?" mums voices asks
"yep" I clear my throat as I hear her retreat down the hall. I let out a deep breath and take a deep one in, my chest rising and falling way too fast, I feel like I'm hyperventilating, by breathing becomes shallow, as tears sting my eyes.
I clutch my shirt and bend over, holding the bed for support, it hurts to breath. The air burning as it races to my lungs.
My phone drops to the floor landing on the broken glass as my grip pulls the doona. I grab it with no hesitation. My chest rising and falling at higher speeds, definitely hyperventilating.
I turn it on and go straight to Alice, it hurts. Before I can press call, it dies. I try to cry out to mum, but my breath is so shallow no sound passes. The phone drops from my hand, back to the glass.
I fall, the glass just there, the representation of my heart right there in front of me. My breathing quick and my vision fading.
I don't flinch as the door gets slammed open.
My worlds a blur as they stand over me. They call my name but its only a muffled voice, just like their face. Unnoticeable.
Its like I'm there but I'm not, my body doesn't want to move, I can see everything happening but my body just can't move. They pick me up and place me on the bed, my world spins. Their faces morph into a spinning, circular spin wheel.
"Breathe, Lexi, just breathe" mums voice comes through as her hand rubs my head. I take deep breaths like my life depends on it. I close my eyes, as my chest rises and falls, slowing my racing heart.
My breathing gets back to normal, I open my eyes. Mum and dad sit either side of me with worried expressions. I see Charlie holding Cooper at the door.
"I-i don't know" I croak out, "Im sorry" is all I say before closing my eyes.
"Get her food and water" Mum says. 
Footsteps leave and come back, fruit sits in front of me with a big bottle of water when I open my eyes.
I sit up and start. The refreshing liquid cooling my burning throat. I eat. A few minutes pass and I gain my composer.
Mum and dad leave shutting the door after I convinced them that Im fine. I chuck the last grapes in my mouth.
I take a deep breath and look around, in that time, someone has cleaned up the glass.
My phone sits on the bed side table, out of charge and out of reach.
Looking around once more I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the dirty, stained mirror. My eyes hang low, my nose and face red.
"How tragic" I look away.

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