Chapter 26

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I sat there my drenched pillow in my arms, my eyes wide open just staring at the rain filled air outside.
If I had the energy to get up and see my reflection I would look horrible.
I swear this night has gone on forever, no one is aloud on the roads. And my house is filled with chaos.
The yells in the background are loud but in slow motion, everything was slow motion.
"Just let me drive out there"
"I am not letting you do that, are you serious that stupid"
"Mum why don't we know anything"
So slow I can see the individual rain droplets falling from the sky. They splatter on everything, hitting a surface which shatters it into tiny little droplets.
The waves roll in, dark grey water looking more evil by the second.
I feel my heart sink again, more tears trail down my cheeks but not a sound leaves my mouth.
I hear someone walk in but I don't dear turn my head, the natural elements outside seem so much more interesting.
The presence doesn't say anything, all I feel is a had gently rubbing my hunched back. I feel frozen to the spot. Not even a blink of an eye. My breathing so shallow, I would surly be flat lining. The thunder not making me jump anymore.
"Lexi I need you to breathe ok" the voice comforts me "in and out. It's ok he will be fine" they add.
I don't turn my head but my voice comes out croaky "We haven't heard anything, how can you be so sure"
"Aw baby please don't cry" mum hugs me tight but I stay still. She also has a tear stained face as I glance up at her.
Out the corner of my eye I see cooper standing in the door frame, he seems distort. At that second the power flickers then completely shuts off, a huge crack of thunder follows. I don't flinch.
I just look out to the fogged up beach. The darkness now following, daylight was slowly fading and so was our hope.
"Jess get down here" my dads voice comes from the kitchen. She hops up faster then anything.
Their conversation was hushed and unable to be herd by the storm.
I end up falling asleep being exhausted. The heavy rain helping me flow into a dreamless sleep.
My body jolts awake, a huge thunder strike rumbles throughout the house. I snap my head to my door frame to see faint candle light, a candle also lit in my room.
I get up in my groggy state and drag my feet along the ground not having enough energy to actually lift them.
As I reach the couch there sit Mum and dad. Mum asleep, her head resting on dads shoulder, dad still wide awake. His head snaps to my direction.
"What happened" my voice is holding no strength what so ever.
Dad stand and walks to me, taking a seat at the island in the kitchen, I follow him.
"On the way back from the surf, Charlie along with brody, Noah and jay were in a car accident. We don't know anything yet, Max called informing us that they are at the hospital. We will get a call from someone soon ok. They will be fine" his gaze fixed on his fiddling hands In front of him.
It wasn't just Charlie but Noah too. No that's not fair. This ain't fair. Jay and Brody too. My heart plummets to the floor. This just can't be happening.
I walk over to the couch and sit down, covering my body in the blanket that lays there. With my eyes still sore from crying and all my energy drained and slowly drifted off.
The hushed talking wasn't loud but it was loud enough to wake me, the clock on the wall said 10:30am.
The rambling skies also getting me up.
I open my eyes, the power still out otherwise Cooper would be on the play station. Mum and dad sit there around the island. Mum holding a warm tea, the stream rising slowly. I look past her out the window the storm still above us.
"What should we do?" Mums voice comes out soft.
"I'll head there as soon as possible, I want you to stay here with the kids" dad replies.
I sit up a stare at them.
"Lexi come here" dad doesn't look at me.
I waddle over the warm blanket wrapped around my body. Dad places is arm around me and rubs my arm.
"Charlies in coma. Don't freak out ok. They said he will wake up soon, it's just to help his body regenerate" he looks at me.
"i need to see him. Can we see him. Can we go" my words come out fast.
"No you will not be going. I will ok" he lets go of me and refits his coffee.
"What about the others, the others in the car?" I question as I fiddle with the loose threads of the blanket.
"We haven't been informed of them because we are not their parents, but im sure max will call and tell us" he takes a sip and holds the steaming mug in his hands.
"Ok" I say with no emotion.
The phone rings, I grab the phone fast and answer. My mum just sighs.
"Hello" I hold the phone to me ear.
"Lexi? Its max"
"what happened" I question
"Alot ok"
"Noah?" It comes out as a question.
"He broke his arm, he's in a checkup at the moment. And Charlie he..."
"i know" I sigh. "The others?"
"Brody has a concussion, and jay got stitches"
"and you?"
"Im doing fine, I was in a car a few cars behind them. I m so sorry" he whispers the last part.
"Its not your fault. Ill pass you to my parents" I pass the phone to them not wanting to talk anymore.
The tears are brimming my eyes, but I don't let the fall. I walk to my room and watch the storm from there. Its lucky for Charlie to be alive, and I'm happy he is but still him being in a coma is so scary, too scary.
Dad left as soon as I went upstairs, the storm passed it peak last night and was settling.
It was raining, the wind was blowing but the waves were perfect, I thought why not take this opportunity to surf. Charlie would.
I paddle out, the rain hitting my face. The rain hits the water causing ripples but the water staying calm. The water we quite warm surprisingly, im wearing a zip up wetsuit top.
The grey skies against the dark blue grey of the ocean brings such a mysterious feeling. I love it.
A wave rises, I feel the pulling back as I paddle. The board stabilises on the unbroken wave. I pop up, gliding across the rippling surface. There are many surfers out, im not surprised.
I said out there, catching anything. The waves starting to die down as the sky starts to open up. The water still mysterious though. I catch a wave in. It's seems like 3 maybe 4 in the arvo.
I walk up the wet sand, board in hand. I unzip my wettie top and squeeze my sicking hair.
I look up. I stop just before my board hits him. I drop my board to my feet not caring where or what it lands on and hug him. Hug him as tight as possible, he stumbles a bit. "Don't fucking do that to me" I mumble into his chest.
"Careful, im a cripple" he chuckles.

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