Chapter 2

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As I focus on moving my feet to the end of the board I hear my name being called. I look up to see a blonde girl waving her board in the air in my back yard. Alice.

I smile, I look back down and move to the tip of the board letting one foot hang off the end, I can feel the back of the bored lifting so I step back stabilising the board.

As I'm coming closer to shore I jump off my board and walk out, placing it on my head as soon as I get out and walk up the beach. I reach my back yard and place my board in the rack that's drilled against the side of my house.

"Is that a new board!" Alice screams with excitement. I nod.

"What? When? Who?" She says as she running her hand along the rail.

I laugh "Today, it's an 8'5 and I got it from my family for my bday".

"Mate I'm so riding that tomorrow" her jaw drops.

"Yeah sure" I laugh.

"Oh my other child" mum puts her board in the rack and hugs Alice.

"Oh my other mother" Alice relies hugging her tightly. Alices family and my family are joined at the hip we go everywhere together, also Jace's. If it's a surfing trip all three families go along.

"Your staying for dinner yes?" Mum asks

"Is that even a question" Alice reply's

Mum walks inside laughing. "Hello Alice" my dad says. Alice waves and goes in for a hug. "It's good to see you"

"And you too" Alice smiles. Dad walks inside whistling a song with a bounce in his step. I shake my head.

"Ayo it's blondie" jace smiles. "Looking hot". Jace, Charlie and cooper walk up.

"Now that's flirting Charlie. Told ya" I stick my younger out.

"And you looking cold as ever" Alice smirks and then give him a serious face. Charlie laughs.

"Cooper you cutie" Alice squeals giving him a hug.

"How come I didn't get the special treatment" jace wines.

"Cause your not special idiot" cooper says hugging Alice back. We all laugh, I'm almost one the floor, jace it just staring with a frown on his face.

"You'll wanna a hug from me soon" jace wiggles his eyebrows.

"Yeah in your dreams" Alice walks inside. Let's just say jace has a thing for Alice, see when jace realised he had a dick and knew how to use it he started liking me, but when it came to telling my can say he got a black eye. But then he saw Alice and boy was that day long, and it hasn't stopped since.

Until he got a girlfriend but they ended, all because jace went surfing with me and Alice, and we were having a picnic after surfing because we get hungry and apparently someone kissed someone else. What a drama queen, she also hates me. A lot.

Anyway after they ended he went back to Alice, and to be honest I did like jace but I knew it would ruin my relationship with Charlie also Charlie's relationship with jace forever. So I got over it. Well tried. Shh.

I walked inside to smell the blessing of mums cooking. "Whats Cookin good lookin" I say

"Home made Beef lasagne" she sings back.

"Hell yeah guess who's getting fat tonight" I say in a deep voice, and walk up to my room.

Alice hops on my bed. "I have news, good news". She crosses her legs and looks straight at me.

"Alright spill" i take a seat next to her.

"Apparently there is new kid moving to town" she says. "There's more. You know that hot kid who was here last summer for like about a week with jack down the road from my place" I nod "yeah it's him he's moving here, and apparently moving to this street" she finishes.

Ok yeah this guy was like really hot, he's a surfer and we I've only seen him once, he didn't see me though. "What actually, how did you find this out?" I ask curiously.

"Was with jacks family one night and they were talking about him, his name is Noah" she stares at me

"What and when?"

"I'm not sure I didn't ask but they were pretty excited so I reckon this summer for sure" she says grabbing my laptop. "We need to stalk".

She moves over to lay on her stomach patting the space beside her for me to lay down.

I lay down as she does all the typing and stalking. We search for his Instagram, there is heaps of accounts. We look at the first one, it's some Indian, next one is some 11 year old, then the third one. "That's definitely him" Alice breath's out.

My heart pounds "how is he so good looking" I whisper. We scroll through his feed and find a photo of him holding his bored behind him, at some beach in Hawaii with Boardshorts on.

"Mate the abs, he's so-" Alice gets cut off by Charlie and jace barging the door open, Alice and I go to close the laptop when the heart shows up on the post. Oh shit. Alive looks at me and closes the tab.

"He's so what?" Charlie does a little Kissy face, "Someones crunching. And Lexi 'how is he so good looking'" Charlie does in a girly voice. I mentally slap my self but in this moment my jaw is open and I'm lost for words.

Alive looks at me with that 'wtf were they doing spying on us' smile.

" just some random photo on Pinterest" I shrug.

"Yeah right" they laugh walking out of my room, "we will find out who ya drooling over girls. Just you wait" jace says from down the hall. Me and Alice look at each other and laugh but then I remember.

"I'm so dead, we liked a post, I liked a post from ages ago. Oh my god he's gonna see that I did that and then we he moves here" I cover my face. My heart is going a million miles per hour.

"Hey calm down he won't even notice it will be fine" a ding sound stops her, she looks at the computer. "And he liked your most recent photo" she adds.

"What no" I grab the laptop and go back into Instagram, I scream, but then cover my mouth "do I follow him or should I just leave it." The arrow hovers over the follow button.

"Obviously don't" Alice says.

"What why" I look at her worried

"Wait till be follows you" she says

"He will never follow me, he will go follow some slut Ella" I said

"Are you insane he would be crazy to follow her. I mean she will follow him, but he liked your photo not hers so get over it" Alice says.

"He so hot" I stare at his photo.

"Your already drooling and you've only seen a photo of him" she laughs

"Shut up" I blush.

"Children dinner is ready, get down here if ya want to be fed, or you can eat dog food" mum yells, her voice running through the house.

I look at Alice and we laugh.

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