Chapter 24

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The surf has been so bad lately, the storm off the coast growing stronger day by day, and also giving us a shitty swell at this point.
They said the surf is going to pick up slowly but surely, its meant to set in next week and last a few days due to the storm of course.
The little waves running through the water aren't much but on mal they are like riding clouds.
The beautiful light turquoise water glistens as the wave rises and breaks, the board gliding across the small green wall.
I sit down on my butt and let my hands glide through the water as the board and the wave work together.
The foam holding into the end of my board. The wave slowly dies down and I eventually end up just sitting in open water with little reforming waves with no power rolling through underneath me. Slightly rocking me side to side.
I paddle back out towards Noah, he sits there playing with water, looking like he's stuck in his thoughts.
"whats wrong?" I question, as I paddle up beside him, sliding up my board and sitting down letting my legs dangle off the board.
"Oh its...nothing" he just looks out to horizon.
"Noah, you can't just hide emotions and shit like this from me, what's wrong?" I ask again
"i just-i need to tell you something" he stammers on his words.
"Is it about the party, and hookup?" He looks at me with a questioning gaze.
"How did you know?" He looks slightly confused but guilty.
"people talk, and I honestly don't care, we weren't even a thing then. I didn't even go to that party" I shrug it off. Of course I fucking care, it was Ella he kissed but he doesn't know that she was 'the friend' who ruined everything , she's such a snake.
"Ok cool, people were talking shit today so I just wanted to tell you myself even though the news was late" he shows a shy smile as he rubs the back of his neck.
The sun was lowering in the sky, giving the sky that peachy pink and fluffy orange look merging across the bright milky blue.
"yeah people always do" I sigh. "shall we go in and feast?" I add.
"Oh yes please! Im so hungry" Noah groans. I just laugh.
"Party wave?" I ask.
"For sure. Closest to shore wins" he says as he paddles.
I scrunch my brows together "Wins what?" I realise he's paddling so I do too.
"We'll figure that out at the shore" he doesn't look at me.
My knees are bent, keeping half my legs in the air and I paddle. The board glides as the waves grabs it, pushing it into a more stable, powerful position. I pop up, moving my feet back and fourth. I look over to see Noah gliding carelessly.
The wave starts to reform so I cross walk to end of the board, giving more weight to the tip, hopefully keeping me on the wave, I jump back and stables the back. I then get a great Idea, don't know why I didn't do this before.
I kneel on my knees and use both hands to paddle, keeping my board on the powerless reforming wave. I smirk knowing im gonna win. I look to the side seeing Noah had the same idea and he as so much more speed. I couldn't help but watch as his arms flex with the fast movement.
I snap out of it and realise I stopped bloody paddling because of his stupid good looking body. Argh!
He looks back at me as he stands in the shallow water. "Winner winner" he winks at me with a little chuckle "Chicken dinner" he adds.
"Yeah yeah, I get it" I grab my board and rest it on my head because I seriously can not hold it any other way. "You just had to distract me with your hot ass body" I whisper under my breath.
"Sorry what?" He asks "I heard that I distracted you. Aw I'm sorry I'm just so mouth watering" he walks past me and flexes his free arm. Of course he can hold a mal, Mr. can do anything and everything.
I roll my eyes "Ive seen better".
"Sure you have. But you're still staring" he raises his eyebrows.
"Ok're the best I've seen" I whisper.
He just chuckles and walks up in front of me. "No ones home so the house may be looked" he adds. I suddenly get nervous.
I place my bored against the white beach house as Noah goes to check the door, I hear the click. Oh no, its open.
He grabs my hand and pulls me inside. Closing the door behind us. He guides me to his bedroom, which is at the far end of the house, looking out at the ocean of course.
He closes his door. And lets go of my hand. I don't stand there awkwardly, I walk over to his bed and grab the towel that sat there.
I wipe off the water droplets that haven't dried yet. I place the towel on the chair in front of me not wanting to dampen the bed.
I jump and the sudden touch of cold hands on my hips, I turn around and all Noah is doing is standing there with a lust filled gaze. I was in a bikini, semi dry, in his room, just us in his house, alone. I see why.
He leans down and kisses me softly, his arms wrap around my waist, I kiss him back and place my arms around his neck.
His kisses move down to my neck, leaving soft kisses along my collarbone, he moves towards my ear. My heart thumping, my body wanting more. My breathing becoming heavier.
"Your so beautiful" he whispers between kisses. I bring him impossible closer to me, my breathing getting even heavier by the second.
I close my eyes as his hands explore my body, he grabs my thighs and carries me to the bed, so much for not wanting to dampen the bed.
His body hovers above mine.
He kisses me with more need, my hands roam done over his abs, he tenses as may hands run over his body, I smile into the kiss.
I feel his hands come closer to my bikini top, he moves his kisses down to my stomach slowly, I bite me lip trying to keep myself sane.
I look down to see a few hickeys on my body, I laugh. He looks up his eyes locking with mine, my breathe leaves my lungs as he crashes his lips on mine again.
I felt his hand go behind my back to the tie of the bikini, my heart rate going one hundred miles an hour.
Out of no where the door to his room is barged open, I open my eyes in shock, I see Brody standing there with max and jay.
My face heats up, my heart rate and high then the clouds "Can you fucking knock" I say out of breath, oh god that sounded so bad. I grab a pillow and just cover my face, the embarrassment to much for me.
"Oo you tiring her out" I can just see Brody's smirk, but I don't dare look. I feel noah chuck a towel on me.
"Fuck off Dude, leave us alone" Noahs voice filled with annoyance and anger. The door is slammed closed.
"Im so sorry baby" his voice comes out soft as I feel the dip in the bed. I pull the pillow off.
"That was so embarrassing" I groan.
"but it was fun" he rubs my thigh.
I just groan and get off the bed . "I think I should go, school tomorrow"
"Aw please don't go" he grabs me and places me between his legs, his hand holding mine.
"Another time" I show a small smile and give him a peck on the lips, but before I could step away from him, he grabs my tight and pulls me into the bed, me on top of him.
I squeal into the kiss.
"Noah let me go" I laugh.
"No" he holds me tighter
"Baby please" I giggle.
"Noah" I say in a serious tone.
He shows a frown "but I won the party wave and my prize is that you stay here"
"Ha Ha you're funny" I get out of his hold "Next time when were alone" I wink and walk out.
"Aw Baby, why you tease" he yells from behind the closed door.
"Bye Bub" I yell with a giggle.
"So you getting down and dirty" Brody wiggles his brows at me, the boys looking at me.
I knee him in the balls, a groan coming from his mouth. "Stay out of it hun"
"She's feisty" Brody wheezes out while bent over holding his area.
I walk out, grabbing ,my board and heading home.

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