Chapter 39

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The drive back is peaceful, not a word is being said. Alice and Max are in the back trying too hard not to say anything about what they just saw.
But curiosity gets the better of them. "What just happened?" Alice asks looking at me through the rear-vision mirror.
"He..." I really don't want to say it, but what can I do? She's my best friend and she knows everything about me, she knows when somethings up most of all knows when I'm lying, i sigh "...loves me".
Her scream almost and I mean almost caused an accident, if I didn't keep my eyes open I would've hit a power pole.
"Shut up, you could've of killed us" max places his hand over her mouth.
She looks up at him with a glare. He removes his hand.
"So what did you say?" She questions.
"You confessed your love" Max smirks.
"You feel at his knees and cried" Alice adds.
"You had a hot make-up after the break-up sesh" Max wiggles his eyebrows.
"Will you shut up, you saw what happened, both of you" I look at them through the rear vision mirror "Don't act like I'm stupid"
"Yeah you guys kissed, sooo, you guys back together?" Alices asks excitement written all over her smug face.
I don't answer her question.
"YOU DIDN'T GET BACK TOGETHER!" She yells. Yet again another close accident.
"Please keep it down" I focus on the road.
"What the hell have you done? What does the kiss mean? Please explain" she leans forward over the compartment in the middle of the 2 front seats.
I pull up to my house, stopping the car and hopping out, I go to close the door but the crazy bitch climbs over the compartment and comes out my door, closing it as she gets out.
She grabs me and pushes me against the car, the keys jingle in my hand. I roll my eyes. "What have you done" she shakes her head.
"I don't want to talk about it" I go to move but she has me stuck and her grip is not getting any looser.
"You don't want to talk about it, you kiss your ex and you don't want to talk about it, he confesses his love and you don't want to talk about it. You're an idiot" she steps away.
"I just can't think right now. Ok?" I hug her "Can we please talk about it later".
She hugs me back "Fine, I'm staying the night" she pulls away and heads to the door, catching up with Max.
I huff, there will be no convincing her to leave that's for sure. I walk in after her.
"Hey Lexi, your dad and I are going out for dinner. Coopers at a mates place and charlie will be back soon, we will most likely see you in the morning, ok?" Mum stand there is a beautiful outfit.
"Alright I'll see you in the morning, and you look stunning mum, people won't know what hit them when you walk by" I wiggle my brows.
Dad walks down the hall in a perfect tux, he stops as soon as his eyes meet mums. Mum giggles as dad readjusts his collar and coughs a bit. Let's just say mum knocked the wind out of him.
"Ok get out love birds" I step out of the way of the door, shooing them out the door.
"I can't wait to rip this-" dad starts but I cut him off.
"Children here, please stop" I yell out the door, you can here their laughter as I close the door and retreat to my room, Alice following.
I totally forgot about Max when I sat down on my bed, he just waltzes in and leans on the set of drawers near the door.
"So you guys getting back together" max asks yet again.
"Max I told you already, can we not talk about it right now" I huff as look towards Alice. "It was most likely Ellas fault but I can't bring myself to think about it right now, ok?" I ask no one in particular.
"No, yeah. I totally get it" Max shuffles his feet and Alice nods along with him.
"I'm gonna get food, join?" Max walks out, Alice shrugs and goes after him. I get up and follow.
"Whatcha gonna have?" I ask as we walk down the stairs.
"I feel like chocolate" he slightly sings.
We walk into the kitchen, and I can't help myself. All I can do is think about him. Noah and his stupidly beautiful smile, his words, Argh! They really hit me.
I want to run into his arms and just cuddle and not let go.
"Lex, do you want any?" Alice asks
"Yeah" I say not actually knowing what I'm getting.
He only lives over there, no.
"Lexi shut up you hate mint" Alice laughs. "What the hell has you spacing out?" She asks placing mint ice-cream into a bowl.
"Oh nothin" I lie, I know she knows, but she chooses not to ask.
"Vanilla?" She asks, I nod.
She passes me a bowl and the ice cream. I grab her spoon and dig at the ice cream as she whines that it's her spoon. I place the spoon in her bowl once I'm done but she puts it back in mine.
"Nah keep it" she grabs a different spoon as I head over the couch. Max already sitting down, with a monster bowl of what looks like just milo but as you watch him dig in there actually is ice cream.
"Got enough milo there?" I laugh.
"Nah actually this only half of what I have" he has a mouth full.
"Oh yeah I'm sure" I shack my head.
We all get comfortable as we choose a movie, after the long process we have all agreed to put The Shallows on.
A movie I've watch many times, but I love it. Honestly I don't really focus on the movie or anything that's in front of me really.
His eyes run across my mind, his touch runs across my skin. The memories really hitting me now. I look down at my bowl, the ice cream has mostly melted, I suddenly lose my appetite, I rinse it in the sink and go back to the couch, Alice in Max's arms.
I want him.
But I can't bring myself to admit it to him. It's not even that bad, it was Ella's fault. And they didn't get far, did they?
I want him here, next to me, holding me.
I huff and throw my head back.
"Yeah I know how stupid" max says.
I completely forgot about the movie, I juts nod, pretending I know exactly what's happening.
I think I should go to him. If he's home.
I look outside, the sun is below the horizon but there is still light.
I stand abruptly, and walk towards the back door.
"Where are you going?" Alice asks sitting up from Max's lap.
"Maxi is outside" I lie, well he is outside.
They nod.
I walk out, to see Maxi snoring on his bed, drool coming from his mouth.
I pat him, he snaps his eyes open as he stops snoring, his tongue hanging from his mouth.
I laugh, "inside" I open the door for him, he gets up and prances into the house, straight to the couple.
"I'll be right back" I say as I close the door.
I can't help myself, I need him.
I do forgive him, I just couldn't say it. I'm so stupid.
It's not chilly but it's not exactly warm either, I'm only wearing a hoodie at the moment, my bikini underneath of course.
I walk, more like run up to his back door. I place my hands on my head and look through the window. My heart beats faster. There's no one home. I can't hear anything.
I look to the side of me, my hair wiping my face as I do. His board isn't here.
I look towards the breaks along the beach.
There he is.
I run down onto the beach, the sand flicking up behind me.
He catches a wave, carving up the face as he does. I watch as the perfection of his movement cause him to make Everything looks so perfect and aesthetically pleasing.
He pumps as he zooms halfway across the beach, passing me. He lays down as the wave starts to reform, I run to where he's coming in.
He hasn't seen me yet.
He walks up the beach and stops to unstrap his leggy. He wraps it around the fins and starts walking.
"Noah" I yell. I start to walk.
He turns around. His smile falters.
He stands there only board shorts on. God he does look good. I walk up to him, grab his face as I stand on my tippy toes, kissing him. He hesitates for a second.
He drops his board and wraps his arms around me kissing me back.
I can feel the water seeping through my hoodie as I rest my head on his shoulder.
"I love you too" I whisper. His hug tightens.

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