Chapter 30

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A few months past, Charlie is all better now and acts like he's so cool he survived a car crash, basically a new story to get the girls as he puts it. It's also getting to the time in the relationship where the 3 very scary but meaningful words are being said.

It was the end of Friday, The day was boiling considering it was raining this morning, it was humid and annoying to walk around in a stupid school uniform, that was not amazing to wear in hot weather.

Sweat marks appeared under my arms, under my hair is wet and is becoming very itchy.

I groan as I walk up to Noah's car, yeah he got a car lucky him, I've got my red Ps but Charlies got the priorities cause he's the eldest. He drives past in our little old Subaru dad bought just so we could learn to drive. Manual if you're wondering.

Hopping into Noah's car I almost screamed and jump out. The hot leather seat burnt my thighs as they touched the material. I arched my back so my bum and thighs were elevated and far from the boiled leather.

Noah sits there just looking at me like I'm a clown. He's sitting there in just about knee length shorts not any leather touching his legs and if there is any it was in the shade of the steering wheel.

I huff as I sit down on the school jumper and cross my arms. He finally started the engine, with no hesitation I lowered the window and pressed the AC button.

"That's stupid. You either have the windows open or the AC on not both only one" Noah focuses on the road as he lectures me.

"But I can feel it on my feet and have fresh air to breathe" I reply in an unhappy voice.

"One or the other Lexi" he looks in the mirrors and changes lanes.

I put my window up half way and leave it.

"Lexi come on" he groans in annoyance.

"It's not that bad"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't"

"It wastes energy" he says annoyance clear in his voice now

"How" I flow out.

"AC is basically doin nothin cause you have air blowing at full speed all over you" he whines.

"But the AC is cooling the air" I whine back

"Put it up"




"Do it"

"No" I grunt

"That's is you're walking home" he pulls over

"Fine I'll put the window up" I whine

"No, you're walking" he turns the engine off.


He doesn't reply.

"I said I'll put the window up"

No word leaves his mouth. He sits there arms crossed.

"You're fucking joking" I get out grab my jumper and slam the door. He starts the engine and drives off, the car blows by giving me some cold wind but not enough to cool down.

It was about 3:30 now and I know Alice will be at home by now so I won't ask her, Charlie won't come back and jace is probably surfing. Mum and dad is an absolute no no.

I just groan and look at the sky as I walk along the steamy path. I look down, The grass around it drooping and giving up in the hot weather.

My hair flows down my shoulders and heating up everything it touches like a sauna. I grab my hair and place it in a messy bun, bits of hair falling out of it all over.

The walk takes almost twice the time to get home by walking because of the weather. I walk into the house empty water bottle in hand, my school jumper in the other and my bag on my back, definitely hiding a beautiful sweat patch underneath it.

Mum stands there in her bikini ready to get out into the water. "Was it really that hot in the car cause it looks like you walked home"

"Does it look like I got a lift" I say sarcastically. "No. Well you're right" I say like a game show host that has to much enthusiasm.

I stomp up stairs and chuck everything on the floor with rage. I aggressively slam the door and lay down on the bed as I unbutton my shirt and lay underneath the spinning fan.

I flick my shoes off and sit there. I nod off every now and again, to tired to be awake in this weather.

My eyes shut and all noise subside. Hands wrap around my legs and pull my down the bed, just enough to jolt me awake.

There stands the asshole who made me walk home. There was no smile on his face until he looked down. I groan as I button up my shirt.

I don't say anything as I sit there.

"Don't act like that Lexi" he rubs my shoulders. I shake off his grip and look at anything other than his gaze. "I'm sorry, it's just, don't worry it's stupid" he huffs and sits next to me.

I still say nothing, I'm still regaining the energy I lost from walking home in what feels like 40 degree weather.

"I know I shouldn't of made you walk please forgive me" he wraps his arms around my crossed arms and rests his head on my shoulder. "I love you" he says it, but he instantly pulls away from me. I'm stunned by it.

" me" I look towards him now, he fiddled with the hairband on his wrist and stares at the floor in front of him.

"I-it just came out, I..."

"I love you too, bub" I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and kiss him on the check. He turns to me instantly and smiles, he grabs my cheeks and swishes them kissing my fishy looking lips.

"That scared the shit out of me" he huffs. He lays down, his shirt slightly lifts showing off his V line. My breathing becomes unstable so I look away.

"I'm sorry about today" he places his hand on my back.

"All good, just to hot to think" I shrug and lay down next to him. I give him a smile as he lays on his back his head facing me. 

I look at his hair as I play with it, curling it between my fingers.

I know he's looking at me, starting straight at me. I lock my gaze with his. I start moving my hand to his check, his hand on my waist. He leans in and kisses me.

Still to this very day I get giddy and all gooey when I kiss him and when he touches me, whenever he's around me In general.

I love it.

Noahs staying the night, under strict instructions. He's sleeping in the spare room next to Charlie's room.

I walk into my room after dinner and plonk down into to the plush bed. Time passes. I couldn't sleep, I reached for my phone it said 11:57.

I bite my lip as I press his name and text him. Come to my room :/.

He replies in no time. I was gonna come anyway ;).

I put the phone down and walk to my door, opening it as slow as possible, I look down the hall to see him closing the door ever so slightly.

"I want the jaba bl...gah...give" coopers sleep talking making me jump, I hold the door Fram trying not to laugh. Noah bends over letting out little squeaks trying to hold in his laugh.

Lucky for us mum and dads room is down stairs and maxi sleeps down stairs too.

Noah tip toes, down the hall like a slug. He's only wearing boxers, making my mind wander. I shake my head and pull him into the room when he's close enough.

He almost trips but he catches himself, I walk to the bed smiling and shaking my head. He walks over a big smirk on his face.

He pushes me onto the bed and hovers over the top me.

We all know what's happening.

I smile and kiss him, pulling him close to my body.

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