Chapter 3

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"Your mum always makes the best lasagne. I'm so stuffed" Alice says rubbing her stomach as she walks slowly up the stairs. I look at her and laugh.

We reach my room, I go to close the door when jace barges in "So who's the dude" he sits on my desk chair.

"What dude?" Alice asks knowing exactly what he's after.

"Oh come on Alice don't play dumb with me, promise I won't tell anyone" he smiles

"Won't tell anyone what?" Charlie walks in intrigued.

"Nothing. Jace is making shit up" I shrug. "Now if your fat arses are capable, please lift them and get them out of my room" I smile sarcastically.

"My arse is Beautiful thank u very much" jace says standing up and slapping his butt as he walks out. Charlie shakes is head and follows closing the door behind him.

I walk to my bed and flip into it, Alice comes at lays down next to me staring at the ceiling like it's something interesting.

"I can't believe I liked his photo from ages ago and then he liked mine" I huff into the pillow.

"Don't worry lex you'll be fine, he will see you and be like man you look hot in photos but in person damn" she laughs

"Huh your funny, he's gonna see some fake ass girl and be like oh she cute wouldn't mind getting her in bed" I said annoyed. "He's obviously a player" I add

"He may be but you don't know unless you try" she replies, I turn over and flop onto my back.

"But what he turns out like Jamie" I look away form Alice

"No one can be a a selfish as him" she sighs "and if he is I'm going to whack him in the head with my surfboard like I did with Jamie but this time on purpose" she says evilly. I look over to see an evil grin across her face.

I laugh "Of course you will"

"Let's look at him one last time" Alice grabs my laptop and goes into his Instagram. We scroll through.

We got bored going through it so we started watching WSL heats from all the years. And before we knew it it was 12 o'clock. I yawned and stretched my arms.

Alice grabbed the laptop and placed it in the floor. "We are waking up early whether we're tired or not" she gets under the Doona and so do I.

"Alright we will" I say switching the lamp off beside me.

I close my eyes, and drift off to a dream state of mind.

*beep beep beep*

I slap my phone and rub my eyes. It's 5:45 in the morning. "Oi Alice get up" I slap her leg that was on top of the doona. The slap echos through the room.

She sits up her mouth open but nothing coming out. "What was that for" she whisper yelled slapping my arm. I giggle.

"Let's get changed, then a snack then get out into the water. It 5:45 so sunrises in 10" I stand up grabbing my bikini and head to the bathroom just across the hall.

I walk out a minute later and head back into my room to grab my wetsuit top. I can't see Alice so I head down stairs.

"Hey eat this" she throws a banana at me. I go to catch it, it slips between my fingers, I drop my wetsuit top and lean down just grabbing the banana beFore it splats on the ground.

I look up with an anxious smile on my face and pick up my top. We head out side and and chuck the peels in the compost.

I stuff the rest of the banana in my mouth and grab my mini mal. " I yob your boarb, becaub I rewy wabba wanna try it oub" Alice try's to say something with her mouth full of food. I can't help but laugh.

After almost chocking I breath again and say "sorry w repeat wat" I almost laugh again. I grab some surf mud and smear it across my face, I chuck it to Alice to use.

"Can I use your board , because I really wanna try it out" she repeats but this time I can understand it. She chucks the surf Mud in the floor once done.

"Obviously I said you could yesterday" I shake my head leading us down to the water. My watch says it's 5:57, the sun it slightly peeping over the horizon, the dark yellow rays colour the morning blue sky. The small clouds travelling across above us, gather some dark orange colours.

I look out to the dark water, lit up by the morning sun. I see a few people already out. I watch as one of them glide across the dark wall of water.

We paddle in silence, over waves, under waves, through waves, until we reach where we need to go. I sit up as Alice sits up next to me.

The sun is now shining on the water giving it an aqua look. A set rises and flows towards us, Alice looks at me "party wave" she smiles.

We turn around and paddle, the sun glistens through the wave as we stand. Alice is on her short board in front of me carving up the wave as I glide the mal up and down, walk up and walking down the board behind her. The rights at this beach are amazing, rarely we get barrels here, but when we do the whole beach it crowded.

An hour in we swap boards, I realise how annoying it is to paddle on a short board. The sun is now risen and getting higher and hotter every second.

I paddle for a wave standing up as soon as I'm stable, I glide across the glass wave, snapping the lip at every opportunity, the wave is about to end when I make a big bottom turn heading straight for the lip, I launch off the wave as it breaks and land in the white wash. I lay down on the board as the wave takes me all the way to shore.

I go and sit on the sand. I watch Alice catch a wave, she walks across the board and walk back changing the directions by putting pressure to one side or the other. She sees me watching and sits down and does a Buddha stance and glide the rest of the way to shore.

She slides off and walks up the sand to me. "Way to finish a wave, Buddha" I laugh standing up and heading back.

"Yep the one and only" she smiles.

We walk inside to my family barely awake eating beaky. Alice and I laugh. "You guys were out there already" cooper says with a mouth full of food.

"Yep since..." I check my watch "6 and now it's 8:20"

"Wow you guys really are not morning people" Alice adds.

"Well we were gonna get up and go for a surf but man just couldn't do it" Charlie says.

"I rest my case" Alice replies.

"So who's gonna make me my açai bowl" dad walks out a big smile plastered across his face. I groan.

"What's so bad about that we make ourselves one" Alices says walking to fruit bowl.

"Because he got the best wave of the day and we have to make him one. You won't win next time mister" I point at my dad. He laughs and ruffles my hair.

"Oh. I'm competing next time that is on, and I will win" Alice says grabbing the ingredients. "And I'm making you this because I'm a nice person and also for my self. And when I win you'll pay me back by making me one" Alice adds smiling as she blends the ingredients. I look at dad with wide eyes.

We crack up laughing.

The rest of the day we spent shopping, we went down to Seaview street. This street is a whole 2 blocks of shops, not just any shops , the best shops. The amount of surf shops are amazing.

We came home with new outfits and bikinis.

The sky became dark and the sun set, letting the once blue sky turn to a deep orange and light pinks. Alice and I sat on my bed as the world slowed down.

We eventually fell asleep.

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