Chapter 4

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A week passed and here we are still at home. We were meant to go to crescent head but dad ended up going on a road trip with the surf team down south.

He said we will go after he gets back. I lay on my back, watching the fan on my ceiling go round and round. I sat up and looked out the window. I haven't gone surfing in a few days. And the surf is picking up.

I change into my bikini and head down to the board rack, grabbing a shirt instead of a wetty top. I smear surf mud on my face and grab my short board.

I paddle out beyond the break, "Hey Lexi haven't seen you in a while" Paul one of our neighbours says.

"Yeah been a bit lazy, watching movies" I reply focusing on the on coming set.

"Surf movies I guess" he says turning around and paddling for a wave.

"Hah you're always right" I smile. Paul pops up on his mal gliding across the wave.

After hours of surfing, I go for my last wave.

A wave rises, I turn around and paddle. Standing up and pumping up and down to gain more speed. I smack the lip and do a big cut back. I glide across the the green wave, as it breaks behind me. A perfect section shows up in front of me. I take a big bottom turn smash through the lip, rising in the air as I grab the rail of my board. I let go and land on clouds of white water, I smile.

I ride the rest of the way to shore jumping off and walking up the sand, taking off my shirt and placing it on my board that's securely tucked under my arm.

I look out at the waves where Paul's on a wave he shows the Shakas and says yew, I do it back.

I turn to walk back home, when I see a couple of people a few houses down watching me but they quickly move their gaze to Paul.

I realise Iv never seen them around before. Charlie runs up to me. "Nice wave little sis" he ruffles my hair, "Wanna kick the footy?" He questions.

"Yeah sure why not" I smile. I run and place my board back in its spot.

Charlie passes the ball and I jump catch it, landing and side stepping him and bolting past him. "Touchdown" I say in a deep voice.

"Nah I wasn't ready" he wines. "Also there's a new family in town, they moved about 2 doors down"

"Oh yeah I saw them, they were watching the surf" I reply

"Yeah I met them, they're nice people. They have 4 kids. One my age, one yours and 2 about 8 years old. Twins" he finishes.

"Aww cute" I kick the ball, it goes a bit to far, I see cooper and jace run out of nowhere.

"Alright cooper go up the inside" jace yells. Cooper speeds past jace with the ball in his hands scrambling past Charlie. He tries to side step me but I grab his legs. He ends up on his back laughing.

"How sad got beaten by a girl, both of you did" jace said laughing.

We started playing, side stepping, tackled into the sand, trying, winning, losing. I was tackled into the ground by jace. I stood up and rolled the ball back to Charlie, when something ,more like someone, caught my eye.

His brown skin was the perfect colour, touched by the sun. His body was ripped, his sun kissed brown hair, almost blonde. And his eyes, his blue eyes. They looked so amazing, something you could definitely get lost in. Wait he's looking at me. Oh crap. He smiled, his smile is... OH MY GOD shut up lex!

I tried to smile and looked away, he was with a group. Looked like his brothers. Then it clicked. Fuck. That was NOAH.

"Oh shit" I whispered under my breath.

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