Chapter 34

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I walk into school miserably, luckily for me I haven't seen him or her.
Alice is next to me, she stayed with me over the weekend due to my little anxiety attack I guess. She wouldn't leave my side and yes she finally got me out of the house. We went swimming.
I focus back on the matter at hand, getting through the day without falling apart.
I just want to go surfing, knowing that he is most likely at school makes me want to catapult out of here and as far away from here as possible, and well surfing seems like the right thing to do at the moment. But no I'm not that lucky.
"Im like, so sorry for like, ruining your what...7 month relationship, like I didn't know youse were still a thang" Ellas hideous voice comes from behind me.
I snap my head to her, look her straight in the eyes "Im like so like sorry like I didn't know like yeah" I mock her in a stupid high pitch barbie voice. "fuck off, cow" my voice held venom.
"Oo someones a little moody" she chews her gum extra loud. I close my eyes trying not to do something stupid but I can't help myself, before Alice can intervene I lunge at the stupid fake blonde ass bitch, hitting her right smack bang in the middle of her petty head. The crack was heard, people stopped and stared and for a split second everything was quiet until all hell broke loose.
Ellas started to scream as she looked at the blood that dripped onto her hands, she started to cry out. But I just stood there. She deserved it. But where did it land me, in the principals office. Everyone was in class, as Ella and I sat here.
"What were you two thinking" his voice loud "You know this school does bot tolerate violence or bullying of any kind, and yet here you to are because of it" the rooms silent. "Detentions tomorrow Ella and Lexi you will be suspended for a few days" he adds.
"You're joking she started it" I whine.
"Actually you were off for way to long last week, you can't afford many days off in year 11" he holds his chin in thought, his stubbly chin.
"Detention for the week, both of you" he signs a few papers and hand them to us.
Ella and I walk out the office, she looks at me as I look at her, her nose bruised and holds a butterfly stitch of some sort. "Bitch" she glares at me.
"Nice nose, Pinocchio" I fake laugh as I turn around.
"All the guys just cant get enough of me, sad how the people you loved just come to me, I'm just, like, to amazing but you wouldn't know that" she just had to open her darn mouth again.
I stop and breathe in, I turn around "Wow great definition of yourself, you know what that reminds me of, hmm" I stroke my chin in thought "Oh that's right a whore, you basically just admitted it" I show a smirk.
"Oh my god, just shut up" she turns with a flip of her hair and struts down the hall like she's the best bitch in town. Her skirt is higher than her grades that's for sure.
I walk towards my class, its the first class of the day and its almost finished, sadly its a double so I have a whole hour of it. But hey good thing is he is definitely not in my class.
I knock on the door, I walk in as sir opens it. I go sit down in the first spear chair I see. I drop my stuff and face the front. I look to the side of me and there he is looking straight at me. My eyes go wide, I look up to see his teacher in here. You're joking they just had to join classes today out of all days.
I shoot up from my seat and walk to the other side of the room and few rows back. I feel his glare on me but I don't once look at him.
"settled now?" Sir looks at me. I don't respond I just look out the window hoping he gets the idea. The class goes on. There is chatter about the assignment and the detail we have to go into, the detail I won't be doing.
Lunch comes quickly, as soon as the bell goes, I go out the back door of the classroom, not wanting to go pass Noah on the way out.
"Lexi not that door" sir yells out, but I slam the door shut once I'm out. I walk out to the table my group sit at. Alice sits there next to max laughing as something. God knows what.
I walk up to her and sit beside her. I don't say anything I just lay my head on the cold table. I hear people start to mingle more chatter comes, and people get louder.
"Lexi incoming" Joshes voice comes from beside, I look up ay him. "He wants to talk" he whispers.
"You're joking" I groan "That isn't fucking happening" I say louder than I should have.
"Lexi please" I hear his voice, I turn around. I notice now that he looks like a mess, from what I can see he hasn't had much sleep.
I get up and walk past him. I walk over to Charlie and Jace, they sit on the field with their group. Noah looks down at the ground in defeat when I look back at him.
"Whats wrong?" Jace sits next to me.
"Nothing" I cross my arms and lean of my bag for back support.
"Spill" is all he says.
"He's an idiot, he expects me to just walk up to him and talk about it and be all randy dandy like nothing happened, like I didn't see anything" I huff.
"Hey guys are naive, im one and know we can be fucking clueless" he looks towards Noah "Can I talk to him?" he asks politely.
"I don't care what you do with him" I sit there doing nothing while Jace 'talks' with the idiot, I watch Charlie as he plays footy with his mates.
I don't feel like going to the last class so I skip. I walk home, I run home. As soon as I get home, I go for a surf.
The swell calming me, the salt water calming me. I glide across the walls of water and paddle back out numerous times. The sun burning my skin, drying out my lips due to me always forgetting sunscreen.
A foamy wall of water comes my way, I paddle towards and duck dive coming back up through the white wash. I keep paddling beyond the break.
I sit there waiting, waiting for a bigger wave to come through and thanks to my waiting a beautiful wave rises, I paddle sting letting the wave clutch into my board, I pop up with everything I have and glide down the face, the green glistening face. I carve from bottom to top.
The lip threatening to break in front of me, I speed up come off the lip doing a little air landing back on the unbroken wave, I take a huge bottom turn, coming up, hitting the lip with all the power I have creating a wall of spray behind me. The wave slowly does down causing the speed to die off, I jump down onto my board, and paddle the rest of the way in. I get out, take the leggy off and walk up the sand. I drop my board at the door and walk in.
"And where have you been young lady" Dad look at me a bit mad. "So you punch a girl and you skip class" he adds as I walk past him to the stairs. "No get back here now and sit the hell down" now that's anger.
I don't test him. I walk back to the island and sit down in front of him my bikini wetting the seat. I look at him.
"Get your act together. No more mucking around, no more shenanigans, do well in school and don't skip got it" he looks at me dead in the eyes, all the way to my soul.
I gulp "yep, won't happen again"
"Now go, your wetting the furniture" he sighs, even in his sighs you can hear he is mad.
I hop up and walk up the stairs to the bathroom, stripping and hopping in the shower, where I cried for an hour straight but like anyone would care, me crying is old news to everyone.

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