Chapter 19

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"im sorry about last night, it just came out. I just...i hate seeing you with other guys" he looks away from me, as he breaks the thickening silence.

"If you hate seeing me with other guys so much, then why the fuck do you hate your brother seeing us together, why do you go ahead and flirt with any other girl after we have a moment. Huh? Please explain because I don't know what you fucking want. I don't know what you're trying to do and right now I don't like it" I lean back into the creaky hammock.

"my past relationships were a bit crap. ok. And I don't want to make the same mistake of picking someone fake" his eyes staring into mine.

"picking someone fake. Pfft. Are you joking, My past relationships were hell. Picking someone fake is my specialty right now, you're fake, leading me on is what you do, is what fake people do" my eyes stare at him no emotion showing.

"your past was hell huh, go on lets see, spill the beans lexi, if your past boyfriends were so bad go on tell me" he almost yells.

"why the fuck are you getting mad, my last relationship ruined me that's all I was saying" I groan.

"yeah well same with mine, but you didn't seem to acknowledge that when I said it" he stands up and starts to walk off, I walk after him.

"If yours was so bad then go on and tell me, if you like me then fucking tell me, there's already no trust in this relationship what's the fucking point" I yell at him, he turns around mid step and stands in front of me, his 6'1 figure towering over me.

"It was a bad relationship" he just looks at me.

"Are you fucking joking, that's all you're going to say. Oh my god" I turn around and walk, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Look, its a sensitive subject ok. I hate it" he lets go of me.

"What and you think mine isn't. All pasts have sensitive shit. Just fucking tell me" I yell at him.

He glides his hand through his hair, flexing his bicep. Oh god I have to stop.

"i met her at a fair one year, she was new to the area. I couldn't stop thinking about her, I mean everyone couldn't stop thinking about her, she was so kind and stunning. Little did I know Brody also had his eyes on her too. We both kept it from each other until I asked her out, he got mad, he said they were getting somewhere. I told her about it and she said that she thought he was nice but not someone she would date, of course Brody hearing this he got mad, he got really mad. But he eventually got over it. The girl and I were so close. I finally asked her to be my girlfriend she said that she wanted to go on few more dates before we become offical. I was ok with that, I took my time with her. We went on more dates we got closer, and finally we were together. By then we had already slept together. It was about 7 months into the proper relationship when I got suspicious. She was always around my brother when I wasn't near them. But I didn't act on it. I thought they were just becoming good friends, little did I know they were way to close for comfort. It got to 8 months, one night I got home early from my part time job and there they were in his room, doing it. I slammed the door and raced out of the house. Us three had a huge fight Brody and I had some bruises, he slept with my girl, and do you know what... my girl slept with one of my best friends too. She told us that she didn't really like either of us. 8 months of a relationship and it was all fake. Brody and her were sleeping together since I asked her to be my girlfriend, that's why he shut up about it because he got what he wanted. She said she loved Brody, she loved me, but she was manipulating us. That's all she did. Then she ran off with my friend. She was snake, and that's why I can't trust him, he loved her, and that's just wrong, she was mine" he sighs.

" so sorry, Brody told me a part of that story but he didn't say much" pity rushed through me.

"now come on your story" he points to me.

I walk back over to the hammock and sit down. "i met him year 7, we were great friends we surfed together along with many other people. It was in year 9 when I finally confessed my feelings for him which he did to. We went on dates first, and then after about a month of dating we made it official. This was like mid year 9. Year 10 started and well that's when we started sleeping together, it was a good relationship, about 8 months into the relationship, my best friend was acting weird around us 2 like she was mad, Alice her and I were best friends we were always together. One night Alice was walking past his house heading home from her grannies house and saw them in her car, making out. She hid next to the car and went to video for proof that he was cheating but she stopped when she heard him saying that 'we're gonna get caught soon' snd my friend replied with 'we've been doing for months and she hasn't noticed, she's an idiot'. Alice ran to my place and told me what had happed, and at that moment I realised all the times they were near each other there was something sus with her I just couldn't get it right. I thought she was just jealous. I then confronted them both, ended up with him trying to get me back but I kicked him in the balls, she was crying saying she was sorry and all that, I haven't talked to them since. Well she's always around to piss me off, but I don't actually acknowledge her stupid fucking head" anger laces my voice.

"Im sorry, I shouldn't have leaded you on, I didn't mean to I just...i didn't really know how to confront the feeling you know. And If I may ask, what are the names these people who hurt you?" He asks

"i will not tell you, because you may know them" I cross my arms.

"even the more reason why you should tell me, I can beat their asses" he smirks.

"hah, you're funny" I smile.

"Now that we have talked, I was, um...would you go out with me?" His voice comes out sweet his hand glides through hair nervously.

My heart pumps, my hands are getting clammy. I try to steady my breathing, I know my cheeks are red, they're burning like hell. I don't know what came over me but I kiss him, I push him down into the hammock as he grabs me and stables me on top of him, we kiss passionately. My heart is about to fall out of my chest, the heartbeat is in my ears as he kisses me, his hands holding me steady, mine grabbing his hair.

I pull away "i thought you'd never ask" 

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