Chapter 29

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I was finally aloud to go see Charlie after a few days, I drove to the hospital everyone was to tired to do anything so they slept as we drove down to South hospital. The radio was on just playing at a low volume along with the hum of the engine.
I park in the hospitals car pack and get out. Purposely slamming the door. Everyone jolts awake as I laugh. Mum gets up Sleepily from the passenger side. Cooper looks wide awake as he gets out, dad comes up behind me and fluffs up my hair "Arn't you funny. I hope you like early mornings cause I'm gonna wake you up really early tomorrow" he shows a mischievous grin.
"Now that's just not fair" I say as he yarns.
I start walking to the entrance, I walk up to the desk as everyone is still in there sleepy state. "Charlie Woods" I say to the uninterested nurse.
"Room 203, fourth floor, elevator, stairs and sign in" she doesn't look up but she she points in the direction of the elevator and stairs just next to it.
Mum, dad and cooper finally catch up. Mum signs in as dad points at the elevator, we all walk towards it. We Hop inside luckily no need to wait as someone held the door as they got out.
We weren't the only ones in there. I girl rugged on my leg. I turn to she this beautiful little brunette holding a barbie doll, sadly her hair was shaved and she was in a hospital gown. I knew exactly what she's going through but I don't ask.
"Your hair very pretty" she says with a big smile. I kneel down to her height.
"Thank you sweet heart. How old are you?"
She holds up a hand puts done 4 and holds up her other hand. "6" she adds to her hand signals.
"That's a very big number, do you go to big school?"
"Yeah, but I miss a lot of it be-cause I have to be here" her little innocent voice so happy even for the circumstances she's in. "I'm going to have hair like what you have one day" she pays my head "it's so soft and so long" she smiles as she admires it.
"You sure will, just know you look beautiful either way, hair or not" I come to her ear "you are very beautiful" I come back as she hugs me.
"Thanks" she whispers. I finally look behind to she her mum standing there a smile on her face.
I stand up "I'm so sorry"
"No please don't be" she smiles "she loves the attention, you are so kind" she adds.
"Thank you, your daughter is so beautiful and so kind" I look down to see her bright brown eyes looking up at me.
"Thank you sweetie" she says as the elevator comes to a holt.
I smile as I walk out "I'll see you around cupcake" the little girl smiles as a i wave at her, and I nod and her mother. I walk out onto the fourth floor. My family a head of me. I catch up to them as they enter the room.
203, the letters shinning as I just stare at them, I don't want to see him in this state. My hands become clammy and my heart beat rises. I take a deep breath concentrating, he's fine goes over and over in my head.
"Are you seriously gonna stand there and do nothing?" His groggy voice comes from inside the room.
My eyes go wide as I look past the door like creep only my forehead and eyes showing.
I see him sitting up, bags under his eyes. Had how many days of sleep and still manages to have bags under his eyes. He shows a big smile. I finally step into the room.
But as soon as I'm in I run to him and hug him as tight as possible.
"Yeah still sore" he pats my back awkwardly.
"Oh sorry" I mumble as I pull away. Then out of no where I punch him in the arm. "Don't do that ever again"
"Oi" dads voice comes from beside me.
"Ow. What was that for? Oh you care for me" he shows a smirk.
"You scared me idiot" I cross my arms as I glare at him.
"Hey, hey, I'm ok now" he gestures to his body "look it's awake" he smiles as he looks at me.
"Good" I glare at him.
"Oh come on, no need to be salty" he groans.
Charlie's latching onto his arm and hugging it as Mum and dad talk to the nurse in the corner.
"Here I bring clothing for you" I chuck the bag on the bed. He grabs it with his free arm and goes through it. Bringing out a whit and tan stripped shirt, black boardies, random undies, branded socks and vans.
"Well thank you little sis, you know my style" he grabs the undies "I don't need these"
"Eww that's disgusting" I gag as he laughs.
"I'm joking" he stands up steadily in his hospital gown and walks to the corrected bathroom.
"Woah, woah, woah" the nurse runs to Charlie's side "careful" she says concerned.
"Hey I can walk, I did it the morning in that room thingo" he huffs as the nurse still won't let go.
"Recovery room, yes but still" she walks him to the bathroom and then walks back to the parents. Cooper and I play chopsticks as Charlie gets changed.
"Charlie can leave today, the tests came back fine, just watch him for a couple of days in case anything happens, if so being him back and we will take care of him" the nurse says to me parents.
"Yep of course" dad replies holding mum around the waste. Charlie walks out, his fingers running through his hair, other hand holding the gown and a plastic bag.
The nurse grabs the gown and throws his hold clothes in the plastic bag then hands it to him.
"Thank you for looking after me" he says with a huge smile on his face.
"The pleasure is all mine, now don't go doing that again ok" she pats his back and walks out.
"Shall we?" Mum points to the door.
"Of course" Charlie walks out with ease.
We walk towards the elevator but before I get there the little girl from before walks past, holding a nurses hand "bye pretty girl" she waves he barbie in her hand, a huge smile on her face.
"Bye cupcake" I smile and wave back. As soon as I say that she skips down the hall, happy as the nurse just smiles down at her and walks beside her.
"She is such a kind little girl" I walk into the elevator, cooper looking at me.
"Why is she bald" he questions.
"Because she is sick, coops. Remember always be kind" I walk in and lean on the elevator walls.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"That's a good answer" I ruffle his hair.
We descend in the elevator, Charlie explaining what happen to mum and dad.
The doors finally open and I walk out. The nurse that was clearly not interested before is definitely interested now, she looks about 20, probably a trainee.
"Please sign out, hope there was no issues while you here" she looks at all the family but stops at Charlie of corse. I roll my eyes, always, this always happens.
"Not one issue, thank you for looking after this idiot" dad punches Charlie's arm as mum signs out. He glare at dad rubs his arm.
The girl is clearly annoyed that dad answered, and that Charlie is paying no attention to her to at all. I smile at her and walk out, "come one Charlie" I push him out the door. As the family follows.

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