Chapter 35

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Tuesday. Another day of school, great. I groan as I hop out of Charlie's car which is now parked in the school car park.
I walk straight up to Alice, it was early in the morning and I hate the fact that I'm going to be standing here for an extra thirty minutes for no god reason, but hey at least I got a lift.
Alice looks at me "you were crying, why?".
"I watched some TVD" I don't look at her.
"Shut up" she pulls me to stand in front of her.
"It hurts" I sit down next to her my bottom lip trembling. "Out of every girl why her?" My eyes glassy. "Don't answer it" she looks at me, he mouth opens and then closes, good I don't want to talk.
First class comes in no time. Another joint lesson. I walk in earphones in, I walk down to the back and take a seat.
And there he is the big ass hat who decides to sit in front of me. I feel my breathing become slightly unsteady. No, no, not now.
I close my eyes and put my head on the table, I breath in slowly and concentrate on something else, I pinch my thigh, I focus on the pain that has and not the rising pulse of my heart.
I jump up when a hand hits my table, I frantically take out my earphones.
"I said no earphones!" Sir looks at me angry his hand now in a fist on my table in front of me. I show a small apologetic smile and place them on the table.
He walks back to the front, I look down to see the mark I made, my nails must have just pierced the skin due to the little rise of blood coming to the surface. I can't help it.
I look up to see noah looking straight at me, he looks down to my thigh and back up to me and mouths a 'why?'.
I roll my eyes, placing my hand on my cheek to stabilise my head and look out the window.
The bells goes and I walk out, my earphones back in. I go to walk into another class when I get dragged back. "Can you not" I look up to see him. "what!" I yell.
"Can I please explain" he pleads.
"there is no explanation needed, I saw what I saw" I cross my arms.
"Why?" He points down to my high, there a few marks, I don't know why but it helps.
"We are no longer together so what I do is none of your bloody concern"
"It is because I love you, and what I did was stupid. Just let me explain what actually happened!" He gets loud.
"Love is to strong of a word for you to use"
"Oh how can you be so stubborn, She drugged me!" He drags his hand through his hair in frustration.
"Excuses, excuses Noah" I look at him "You wanted to know who the people who hurt me, you know the guy who cheated and the girl he cheated with? It was her, Ella. So good on you, now you know why I just can't believe you at the moment!" Im yelling now. "Now leave me alone" I walk past him to the next class that im not se keen for cause she's in it.
I walk in with a temper and walk out with a temper. Finally the end of the day is near.
I walk out the gate, hoping in Alices car. Max in the passenger seat, "Lexi, Noah feels really bad and he wants to give you the real story, from him and him only, give him a chance, he's a mess" he turns to look at me.
I glare at him. I open the car door and slam it. Im walking home.
"lexi get in the car" Alices voices comes from the reversing vehicle.
"Car" I say.
"yes get in the car" her voice holding irrigation.
A smash of a taillight is heard, "Shit" she looks behind her from the front seat.
"I said car" I show a shitty smile and walk off.
I stomp through the door, chucking my bag to the floor. I run up stairs.
Charlie and Jace sit there in my room. "Ew" I walk past them to the far side of my room near my bed.
"Now we love this attitude, lets put into a game of footy . Yeah?" My brothers over enthusiastic voice comes from the side of me.
"How about no" start unbuttoning my shirt, a smirk on my face.
"Oh this is nice" Jaces overly happily voice comes from behind me.
"Ew, get the fuck out" Charlie yells grabbing Jace by the sounds of it, the door slams and Charles angry voice can be heard, getting mad at Jaces pervy attitude.
I laugh, that's one way to get them out of my room. I get undressed and get into my bikini and some running shorts, lets go play with the footy. I walk out as Jace and Charlie descend the stairs.
"Lexi's playing" Coopers voice comes from behind me.
I keep walking and descend the stairs, "Who's on who's team?"
"Cooper and lexi verse me and Jace" cooper runs past us out the back door, grabbing the faded ball and running to the sand.
I run after him, "Don't you dare think you can get away from me"
The game went on for a while.
Jace runs at, I side step him but I completely miss judge it. Jaces arm wraps around my waist and pulls me to the ground, I land with my back on the sand and Jace holding me down. I start laughing as the smirk on his face grows.
But we linger in that position for to long and I know because Charlies heavy footsteps are coming towards us.
"Ok end game, My team won" Charlie grabs Jace of me. I just lay there ball in hand.
"Thanks" Cooper snatches the ball from my arms and runs after the boys. I get up and follow them.
I walk up slowly and head to my room as soon as Im inside.
I get changed into comfy clothes and turn on the tv, nothing interesting so I leave the news on.
"Is lexi here" I muffled voice comes from out side, I jump off the bed into the floor and crawl to the window, I slowly open the window and kneel.
"Don't even try Noah" Charlies voice comes out irritated.
"Please let me see her" Noah seems annoyed.
"Dude leave" I can hear Jace.
I stand up and see his hair, his beautiful hair, I stare down on him feeling the urge to cry that I want him here with me right now but I can't trust him.
He looks up, my eyes go wide.

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