Chapter 22

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I cover my eyes as the day gets brighter, I roll over into a plush feeling doona, I smile happy to be warm.
Warm? Doona? Hold up, I shot up and look round to see im on a bed, not my bed.
I feel the spot next to me, its slightly warm, someone once occupied that spot. Im in a tent on a blow up double bed.
I hop up and see I'm in the the top from yesterday but not the pants um ok, I unzip the doorway and walk out.
Noah is there cooking and passing breakfast to everyone, I look away from him and sit down. Alice is there, josh and her are having a conversation, Max has his arm around her I can tell Josh has jealousy in his eyes.
Maxi runs up to me, slobber falling from his chops. He wipes his chops all over my legs leaving a slimy, shinning, slobber trail.
"Eww not my pants" Alice groans
"These are yours, how? Oh and sorry" I let out a nervous laugh.
"Noah went to put you in your caravan but it was locked and everyone was asleep, so he came to me and I changed you because I knew sleeping in jeans is a nightmare" she whispers to me leaning over Max's legs "Then Noah got Brody out of his tent and they swapped so you 2 could be together" she wiggles her eyebrows.
"Shut up" I slap her arm "Look at you and Max" I smirk
"Oi" she slaps me and sits back down.
They seem like they're getting close, I know something is happening between them two, I just don't know when its gonna be an official thing.
"hey here's some food" noah puts a flimsy paper plate in front of me. I grab it and smile.
Everyone is eating peacefully, the parents off on their own convocations .
But of course mum just has to interrupt "Lexi, I need to talk to you".
I look up my mouth stuffed with food. Great. I show a lame expression and walk over to her. She walks me away from little crowd and makes me sit down.
"You and Noah seem to be getting cozy" she comes a knowing smirk.
"Um yeah he, uh, asked me out yesterday and took me on a date last night. I know Charlie told you" I rip the paper plate intently because at this moment it's so interesting.
"Lexi, please be careful. We don't want a repeat of last time" she sighs "lets hope he's not like the last one" she adds rubbing my back.
I just sit there. If mum is saying this she knows. She didnt really trust Jamie, she never did and look what happened.
You know when your parents, mostly your mum, see someone who is one of your friends and they instantly go 'she doesn't seem nice' or 'hmm id watch him closely if I were you' or they just say something along those lines, and they always seem to be right. That's like their 6th sense, they instantly know if someone is sour.
Grandma and mum got I right with jamie, I just hope mum is just saying 'take it slow' in other words not 'he's bad'.
I just nod agreeing with her.
"but he seems like a nice boy, his parents are lovely. And I'm so proud of you sweetie" she brings me into a hug.
I hug her back, I look up to see everyone especially him "i sure hope he's not like him" I whisper and look away from his figure and untangle from mums arms.
"Lets hope not" she raises her eyebrows and stands, walking back to the little crowd.
I look out to the water "its like everything she says is a warning like she knows" I huff "What if she's right" I mumble.
I grab a stick and swirl the sand below me, watching as the mini shells and sand grains collapse on each other.
The day passes fairly quickly. I cross step along the mal, reaching the tip, giving a great soul arch. I feel the board lift so I step back and stabilise the fins. I ride the small wave to shore and hop off.
Mums words still going through my head 'lets hope he's not like the last one'.
I turn to see him talking to girls, Brody and Charlie are there too.
The girls laugh and giggle, looking at them with adoration. The boys don't even notice they never do. The girls are holding towels and phones. They don't seem like the surfing type more like the 'i take photos on the beach and that's the only reason why I go' type.
I just huff and walk off, they're inly talking to him Lexi, there is nothing wrong. No need for jealousy so early in...whatever this is ok.
I place my board back and sit in the hammock. Alice appears.
"I swear we haven't spoken the whole time we've been here" she slides in next to me.
"yeah, well you know boys keeping us occupied" I sigh "Tonight is a girls night. Just us night ok" I look at her in the eyes.
"Yep you know what, they can deal with it" she smiles.
A few hours pass. Alice and I are wondering on the beach, talking and playing music off her speaker.
'Trust' by Brent Faiyaz comes on. I sing along with the lyrics
"I was having visions with you" I say louder then the rest.
"you told me I could trust you. Don't lie" Alice sings louder.
I just laugh.
"No joke the perfect song right now, for both of us" she says, the song pumping in the background.
"yeah, trust" I huff kicking the sand.
"whats wrong" she grabs my arm and stops me.
"its nothing" I look towards the glistening water that's being lit by the moon.
"Lex tell me, I know it's bothering you" she turns my body so it's facing hers.
I look away from the water and towards her. I just groan. "Trust. This new relationship, what if he is like him"
"He's different. He talks About you to max alot"
"You know when your mum has a bad feeling about someone, and subtly tells you but not really, I think she kinda did but I don't know. You know mums alw-"
The masculine voices came from the caravan park, the next second was horrifying, literally horrible.
Alice and I look at each other as we see guys running past us in a blur, their thighs as white as milk, blinding as hell.
I look away realising what I had just witnessed, the redness rushing to my cheeks. Alice mouth is wide open as-well as her eyes as she turns to me.
My eyes widen "I think I've seen way to much" my voice comes out squeaky.
"Oh god, think kid thoughts, think kid thoughts" Alice places her hands over her eyes obviously not handling the naked guys and her dirty mind.
"Please tell me you are not thinking of my brother" I show a disgusted face.
"NO of course not" she looks at the sand intently.
"EW" I slap her.
"Hey girls" I look up to see all the guys standing in the dark midnight water, thankfully they're covered up, mostly. Josh, Max, Noah, Brody and Charlie  just stand there. I gag knowing my brother is there. Naked.
"WHY!" I yell. Rolling my eyes.
"I don't need to see that at this time of night" Alice groans.
"So you would like to see it later" Max's voice comes out.
"Oh my god, NO!." Alice says and her cheeks go bright red. The moonlight giving just enough light for me to see it.
"Charlie that's disgusting" I roll my eyes "Im your sister"
"But Alice isn't" I can just see the smirk that's on his face. Josh falls back into the water and Noah dunks his head.
"Lets go" I grab Alice and drag her up to my caravan.
We go inside and just burst into laughter. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I say between laughs "I think I saw it" I whisper "Noahs" I look at the ground my eyes wide. I groan.
"i know I saw like 3 but it was a blur thank god"
"yeah it was all a blur thank god" I lay back on the bed with a sigh.
The door of the caravan is burst open, Charlie walks in and stops, all the boys heads peaking through anywhere.
"Babe you should of joined" Noah shows a frown. "it would of been so much better if you were in there"
I scoff "God you horny dogs. I look to Alice her face bright red. Max is smirking at her, all these boys have a towel wrapping around their legs and that's it.
Charlie grabs his clothes and walks out along with Brody, thank god. But the others just stand there.
"What the hell do yous want?" I look at them.
"Oh nothin"
"yeah nada"
"Um Alice"
"No. Max and all of you leave, girls night. We don't want no dicks involved thank you very much" Alice crosses her arms and looks in the other direction.
"Alright you herd the girl. Move out" Max turns and walks along with josh.
Noah walks in and grabs my face kissing me, but only for a second. "Good night" he winks and leaves.
"I think my insides melted" I sigh a huge smile on my face.
"You two are totally whipped" Alice snorts by accident and then laughs even harder, grabbing her gut. I laugh along with her.

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