Chapter 12

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Noah lunges at jay. Tackling him to the ground. He throws a punch which collides with jays face, the crack was loud and sounded painful but it didn't stop Noah from hitting him.

Jay squirms under his hold, blood dripping down his face. He gets a hit on Noah, hitting him right in the nose, his head cocks back but no blood came, another punch collided with his face and hit him in the eye. The bruising already showing.

Jay pushes Noah off him, Noahs back landing on the concrete right near my feet, jay walks over as he stands up. Jay throws a punch but Noah dodges it and hits jay in the nose and then kicks him in the stomach making him stumble back.

The boys watching start walking over and holding the two guy to stop them from fighting, more like hold jay. Noah stands there wiping a little blood from his nose as jay struggles in his mates hold. His face angered and bruised, blood still dripping from his nose.

"We'll finish this later" his words come out of clenched teeth. "And you Lexi, I thought you were different" his eyes looking into mine.

"different" I scoff "What, a girl who will just sleep with you kind of different. I'm not that girl incase you haven't realised" I roll my eyes and look to Noah and mouth him an are you ok? He nods giving me a wink. I shake my head.

"Oh la la, checking your little boyfriend if he's ok" jays playful annoying voice reaches my ears.

"Im checking if my good friend is ok, and well you wouldn't know what that's like because from what I can see you don't have any friends. Has anyone asked you if you're ok? No? Didn't think so" I say as the boys drag him into the house. I check my phone its around 10:30, time flies I guess.

"Hey lex are you ok?" Alice grabs my shoulders.

"Oh I'm fine, jays just drunk" I let out a sad chuckle. "Its more if Noah is ok" I look over to see his friends throwing fists as joke as they all laugh, he smiles he folds his arms across his chest , it warms my insides and make my heart miss a beat.

"I think he'll be ok" Alice says watching them interact "he threw punches for you, he cares for you for sure" she nudges my arm. I look at her and slap her arm.

"Shut up, he would do that for anyone" I shuffle my feet.

"you sure about that, you guys did a little kissy kissy, before he defended you" she says in baby voice making a kissy face, I shove my hand in her face. She licks my palm.

"Eww, that was disgusting" I wipe my hand on her clothes. She laughs, and embraces me in a hug.

"I love you, I'm so happy you're my best friend" she pulls back, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Ooh no don't cry, you're gonna make me cry. I love you too" tears falls down my cheeks. I laugh "Look now we're crying". Alice laughs as we wipe the tears away.

"we should get going" I say looking over to find my brother. "There's Charlie and Brody"

I walk over to Noah and the group of boys, a few girls cling on their arms. "Um, Noah, Alice and I are gonna leave, I think Brody and Charlie are about to leave. Are you coming?" I ask looking at him.

"i, ah, think I might stay to keep the peace" he chuckles along with his friends.

"I'm so glad you're staying" Ella smiles, placing her hand around Noahs shoulder then looks at me. Noah gives Ella wink and rests his arm around her waist. It feels like my heart is being stabbed.

"Ok, I hope you're ok. Uh, I'll see you back at home. I guess" I don't meet his eyes I look past him, I feel like if our gazes met I would cry.

"Hey Lexi are you ok?" Max questions. He places his arm around my shoulder.

"I, uh, just wanna go home, Jay... I don't know. I don't wanna talk about it" my eyes are becoming glassy but I don't let tears fall.

"hay, it's ok" Max hugs me placing his hand on my head as it lays on his chest.

I pull back, "Yeah, I have to go, see you in the surf guys" I look around smiling at everyone but don't meet Noahs eyes. I walk off to Alice. She winks at Max, he smiles and winks back. She blushes and turns around heading to the car, Charlie and Brody behind us.

"You're coming to my house tonight, we need to talk" Alice gives me that somethings up look. I nod.

The boys hop in the car, "Ay Charlie I'm going to Alices tonight"

"Yeah alright I'll tell mum" he closes the door and we drive off.

"So what happened between you and Jay, and how did that bring Noah into it?" Brody questions as he glances at me in the rear vision mirror.

"Something stupid, don't worry" I look out the window, watching the street lights go past. Just the mention of him name makes me want to jump out the window .Brody huffs and doesn't ask again. I'm thankful for that, I can feel tears brimming eyes. They're so close to falling. As soon as I get into Alices bedroom there will be no stopping them.

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