Chapter 32

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It takes about half an hour to reach Kelly's place, I can see Lily's car, for sure Alex and Mia are here too.
We hop out and walk to the front door, the smell of alcohol filling my nose already, party already in full swing of course.
We walk in, hills clanking. That's when I see her, she must be the sister. She stood at 5'7 for sure and had a perfect figure. She was naturally stunning, and had guys all around her. I walked up to her and introduced my self.
"Hey I'm Lexi" she looked straight at me.
"Now you are the girl Kelly talks bout for sure, I'm Amanda" she hugs me so I hug her back.
"Kelly, talks about me, pfft yeah ok" I laugh.
"Not joking" she looks at me up and down "and I totally understand why" she smirks.
"Hey babe" Noah's arm snakes around me waist.
"Hey" I turn to face him, a huge smile on his face as he looks me up and down. I grab his chin making him looks at me "eyes are here hun" I kiss his lips.
"Yes, yes they are" he looks across from me to see Amanda, watching us with adoration in her eyes.
"You guys are just the cutest" she squeals "well I gotta go, I'll see yous around" she walks past, walking out the door.
I turn around and head to the drinks. I grabbed the premix cocktail which came out of the slushy machine.
Kelly's parties are always the best. I grab one for Noah but I realise he already had one.
I wonder around speaking to people, dancing, drinking. The day becomes dark, and the party is in full swing, everyone enjoying the scene. I see Noah so I walk over to him.
I hug him from behind as he talks to someone. "Babe you good" he looks over his solder.
I nod into his back just enjoying the warmth. "Backs are comfy" I say to no one impartial.
"If you say so" I can hear the rumble in his chest when he talks.
"So comf-y" I hiccup.
He turns around and pulls me into his chest and just hugs me as he speaks to the person. 
I close my eyes ready to sleep, ready to put the spinning world of mine to rest.
"Come On stay awake" Noah rubs my back.
"I am aw-ake" I hiccup again.
"Aw baby", he picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist my head on his shoulder, and arms around his neck. "I'm going to put you in the spear room yeah?" I nod in response.
He places me down on the bed, and as soon as he does I let go and instantly fall asleep.
I don't sleep for long, the urge to pee woke me up, I sit there contemplating weather to go or not. I look at the digital clock beside me, 12:38. The party still going.
I walk out and run to the bathroom, speedily sitting on the toilet seat, but for sure If someone saw me I would be a wobbling mess but in my eyes it felt fast.
I sigh leaves my mouth as I pee, the room spins, so I grab my head and lean over thinking I'm gonna vomit, the urge comes but goes. But then it come again, I stand up and turn around just in time, vomiting in the toilet. About 20 seconds later I was up, fixing my self up. I look in the mirror, yeah I look fine, I take some mouthwash that's on the bathroom counter.
I walk out, people mingling everywhere, I walk through the house looking for people. I find Alice with max, there talking and laughing, my head still spinning but feeling much better.
I walked in the house looking in every room, that's when I saw  it, That's when I saw him on someone, it's her, I stood there still, my heart thumping loud in my ears, I couldn't hear myself think, they didn't notice I was there.
My heart plummets to my stomach making me feel even more sick, she sees me and smirks, tears fall. I turn around, my breathe shaky. Jace stands there, "help me" my voice comes out shaky and squeaky. His eyes go wide.
"What the fuck is wrong with you" jace yells.
Noah looks up from his activity as I turn around, my face tear stained. The destruction of my heart all over my face, he looks guilt and pained. "This can't be happening" I say under my breathe.
"I'm sorry, no, I'm sorry, I-I Thought she was...I was" he stumbles on his words same with his feet.
"Get away" it comes out as a whisper, as I hug myself.
"I'm so sorry baby" he struggles to get his t shirt on.
"Please" I don't look at him.
"No I-I don't know what happened, one minute I was there and then the next I was-" he touches my arms lightly
" GET AWAY!" I scream, he flinches. "I knew it would end like this you asshole!" Tears fall as jace holds me.
"Just go mate" Jace rubs my arms as he looks at Noah.
"What the fuck is happening" Alice looks past Noah to see Ella adjusting her clothes. "You didn't, tell me you fucking didn't" Alice looks at him. "Jace get her out of here now" she yells.
"I-I dont know how, but it did-" Noah stammers out
"I didn't ask, get the fuck away from Lexi and don't ever come back" Alices word are heard from the front door as Jace walks me out.
He calls an Uber. We hop in and he takes me home, I don't move. I cry and cry and cry, I don't stop, I don't sleep. My eyes glued to the outside world as it brightens slowly. Jace is asleep underneath me. His snores small and tolerable.
"Lexi, Im so sorry" Charlie's voice comes from the door, "I found out and punches were thrown an-"
"Please stop" my voice raspy.
"I made breakfast" he changes the subject, Jace sits up. Making me sit up too.
"Not now" I mumble and get under the covers, watching the outside world once again.
"Come on Jace" Charlie says softly, the door closes softly and that's when I decided to cry more, I grab my pillow and scream into it as my heart shatters even more.
Mum, dad and Alice tried to make me eat and do something during the day but I didn't budge. I stayed in that position for days, I picked at my food and went back to watching the day go dark.

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