Chapter 14

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I don't remember falling asleep but I did. I wake up, groaning, I open my eyes and see Alice snoring next to me, half a cookie hanging out of her mouth, I giggle.

I get up and head to the bathroom that's connected to her room, a pearly white tiled room will pastel blues and matte black . I lock the door. After I finish I just stare at my reflection, my slightly puffy eyes giving away that I was crying. I rub my face and walk out the door.

Alice groans and sits up. "Pool?" She asks.

"sure why not" I strip down to my bikini, yes I was wearing my bikini again. What can I say, I was born in the ocean.

We walk down stairs, "Girls, smoothies in the fridge" Sally says as we walk past.

"Hmm, yummy. Thank you" I walk over to the fridge and grab them, I pass one to Alice as we walk out the back door. The pool is covered in sunlight making it glisten.

I step into the pool the cold water nipping at my skin, I slow down and then sit on the step that's underwater, as the water hits my torso I breathe really fast so I can concentrate on something other then the water climbing up my warm body. My butt finally lands on the deep, aqua, blue tilted stair. The tiles give an effect making it look like the clear waters of Hawaii.

Alice sits next to me, we sit in silence as we slurp on our smoothies. I place my cup on the side of the pool and dive into the crystal waters, letting it hold my body. I let bubbles out my nose watching as they rise to the surface. I keep swimming to the other end and shoot up out of the water, taking a deep breath.

"Graceful" Alice dives and swims towards me.

She comes up slowly eyes closed, and then looks at me, looking like a model then shows a fabulous double chin.

"Was gonna say model but I'm going to say seal" I laugh as she grabs the donut floaty behind me. I grab a noddle.

We sit there talking about last night I almost cry again, but I don't. We hop out and head to the spa.

The hot water makes me sigh as I sit in it. Warming my body quickly. "I love this spa" I close my eyes.

"yeah I know, I have a feeling this is the only reason why we are friends". I open my eyes to see her giving me a sassy face.

"Oh damn how did you find out" her eyes go wide "Im joking" I laugh as she shakes her head.

Alice also lives near the beach, its just across the road. Its about 4 beaches down from where I live.

"Remember when we came back from that big surf with all the guys and we came here. Josh slipped on the side of the pool and fell In taking Kai with him. Mia fell in the pool just because she laughed too much" we laugh at the moment.

"That was the best thing... ever, I didn't even realise Mia was in the...pool due to the boys.. splashing until I saw her wetsuit" Alice says in-between laughs.

"then Marco Polo came along, that was a good game" I nod.

"sure was, we need to do that again" Alice smiles.

I hum and nod my head. I close my eyes and rest my head on the ledge behind me.

I slightly open my eyes, I go to lift my head but it hurts. I place my hand on my neck as I lift my head. I must have fallen asleep in the most retarded position cause bloody hell my neck kills, I see Alice peaceful sleeping but looks comfortable. The once hot water feels warm. I get up and wake Alice. "Come on Alice I need to head home" I walk into the house with a towel wrapped around me Alice following.

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