Chapter 7

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"What the hell! You should have just kissed him" Alice screams while we walk down the rocky road.

"Alice not so loud. Geez. I didn't want to ok, I don't like him" I say focusing on the hair tie on my wrist.

"Im not stupid Lexi. You no joke melt every time you're near him, he looks at you and you can't even function" her voice loud but true.

"Ok yes I like him but not properly." I look at her.

"This is not just about him is it?" She questions.

"Of course it's not. Jamie ruined me, I may only be 16 but I loved him I really did. And all he did was hurt me" tears brimming in my eyes.

"Trusting a guy again isn't gonna be easy, Ok. I'm here for you, you're my best friend and you deserve so much" Alice hugs me as we walk down the road.

"But like he hella cute" I laugh, making the tears go away.

Alice lets go of me and shakes her head "Yeah everyone thinks that, and I'm sure he knows"

We walk into my house, and head to my room.

"We should go for a surf. Your family are out" Alice says looking out the window.

"yeah ok" I look out the window as it starts to rain. "surfing in rain is a mood"

"Im using your mal" she strips, already got her bikini on same with me. We walk down the stairs and head to the rack, grabbing a board and running to the water.

Paddling out I watch as Cooper glides across the wave, he constantly wipes the raindrops from his face. I smile as he sees me, he smiles back. "Hell yeah Lil bro" he dives off the wave and paddles with me and Alice.

"mums all the way out" he says

"yeah we saw her" I reply.

We reach mum, she smiles "My daughters. Hey girls have you met Issy and her eldest son Brody?" She points to the pair smiling. Brody was an exact replica of Noah just older. I got to say, yummy.

"No I haven't. I'm Lexi and this is Alice my best friend, its nice to meet you guys" I smile

"Your so sweet" Issy smiles. "Its nice to meet you to"

"I've seen you surfing before Lexi, you're really good. Do you compete?" Brody asks.

"thank you and no I don't, I don't like it when everyone has their eyes on me" I laugh

"I get that, I use to but stopped due to a knee injury. But my brother completes"

"How's your knee know?" I question

"Yeah its much better couldn't surf for 10 months"

"oh man that's painful" I reply

"sure is"

I look out to see a set rising "best wave of the day gets to use my new board for the week" I yell before paddling for a wave.

I pop up, gliding across the dark blue wave calms me, the rain creating ripples on the face of the wave.

I snap the lip and do a cut back to stay with the foam, pumping speeding up only to be stopped as the wave breaks in front of me. I dive into the wave and tumble for a few seconds, I come up and grab my board and paddle back, duck diving the walls of foam heading my way.

"so graceful" Alice says

"yeah, sure was" I laugh.

Im on my last wave for today, just gliding across it peacefully, just a bunch of bottom turns and top turns. I lay on the board and let the wave take me to shore.

I walk up the sand, and lay down looking up at the sky thinking about nothing in particular. Ok maybe thinking about someone. The rain is getting heavier but I just lay there.

I look up to see Brody walking out of the water heading in my direction.

"looks like fun, can I join" he asks as he drops his board to the sand and removes his leg rope.

"Its not like I'm waiting for anyone" I say

He lays next to me, "So you've met Noah. He told me he met you at the party and well on the beach yesterday to I guess"

"You were there, oh no. That was so embarrassing I wanted to kick Charlie in the balls" I mentally cringe at that moment.

" You like him?" He asks, the questions surprising me.

"Nope, fuck boys aren't my type" I lie

"ouch my heart" he grabs his chest.

" Good at least you know you're one" I smile

" Hey I didn't agree to that"

" You're the one who said ouch, so that's all you bud" I laugh

" Yeah, alright I'll give you that" he stands up and helps me get up.

" Mate I love your board" Alices voice chimes in.

" I know you do, it's the only thing you want to use" I shake my head. "so who won" I question.

" We agreed that Brody one, so yeah" she gives a nervous laugh.

I look at Brody as he flexes his arms "Just to good"

" Well I guess you get use that board for a week" I point at the board under Alices arm.

" Ayy shot the boys" he says excitedly

"I see you have met my brother" Noah walks over with a slight bit of hatred on his face but it's gone within a second.

"yeah he's so nice. I recon Cooper will be obsessed with you" I laugh looking at Brody.

"Ah yes the little one, he is I'll tell you that" he replies

"Brody, Noah, my mum was wondering if you wanted to come for dinner" I look at them both.

"oh yeah your mum already asked us in the surf, we'll see you at 5, yeah?" Brody replies

"i guess so. Alright I gotta go, I'll see you all soon. Come on Alice" I walk up the sand towards the house.

"They're coming for dinner, ay get excited" Alice sings

I just shake my head and place my board in the rack. We walk inside and head for the couch. We sit in silence just watching the tv.

"Lex I gotta go, dinner in ten." She stand up.

"no, you need to stay because they're coming for dinner" I frown

"i know, I wish, I'll see you soon" she hugs me and leaves "love you"

"love you to" I scream.

I sit back on the couch and watch the tv, the sand filled couch. I laugh mum always cleans it but you can never get rid of the sand. I yawn and look at the clock, its 2pm.

Last night really got to me. I drift off to sleep forgetting about everything around me. 

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