Chapter 28

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I snuggle into his chest, his arm tightly wrapped around me.
I blush a crimson red as I remind my self of what we did. It was still light outside but the sun was setting although we couldn't see it.
He chuckles as he pulls me to lay on top of him. "You're beautiful" he whispers. I try to get out of his hold but he doesn't budge.
"Noah I need to go" I whine. I'm wearing his shirt and my bikini bottoms. "Noah" my tone serious.
"Aww baby please" he lets go of me as I stand. I gab my bikini top and put it back on, I catch a glimpse in the mirror.
"Seriously Noah" I point to the hickeys way too close to the areas. "I can't wear anything revealing for a week, my parents are gonna kill me".
"Oh cmon look at this" he stands up, just wearing boxers, drool, there is definitely drool falling down my chin. He points at the hickeys over his neck and torso.
"Yeah but, but, but..." I just stand there "oh ok, wetsuits for a week then" I sigh. He just chuckles putting clothes on.
I grab the towel and wrap it around my self. "Nah, nah. Wear this" he chucks a hoodie at me. I internally scream. With a wide smile I place the hoodie on and drop the towel. It reaches my mid thigh, and is fluffy. I sigh.
"Do you have to go" he whines as he wraps his arms around me.
"Yeah, Friday tomorrow, we have school because the storm cleared up" I say.
"Aw baby" he drags on the Y.
"Is your...arm ok?" I question just making sure the last hour didn't hurt him.
"You think that hurt this" he smirks "Oh no no, that just sped up my recovery" he kisses me.
I pull away and shake my head. "Alright I need to go. See ya around babe"
I walk out of his room and head to the back door. As soon as I'm out I run, run like the wind. I bash out back door open and run upstairs. Mum says something from down stairs but I don't answer.
I grab my phone noticing I'm on 5 percent and call Alice. My heart going a million miles an hour. On the third ring she picks up.
"Lexi. Hello how are you? I heard about Charlie, I'm so sorry" she gushes out.
Trying to catch my breathe I reply "comeovernow"
"Do I have to?"
"Yes you have to, your my best friend so you better get your ass over here in the next ten minutes" I reply.
I hear someone walk in the room as Alice replies "how about next 10 seconds"
I turn to see her standing there. I end the call, "when"
"I was already coming to yours I called but you didn't pick up. But I'm here now" she sits on the bed next to me. "Now speak" she adds.
I inform her about Charlie and what happened to the boys, she started crying cause she loves Charlie like a brother, I was crying with her, the it turned into laughter about all the fun and stupid times we had all together, the I spill the beans.
"Also" I gulp "noahandididitlikenotevenanhourago" I say in one fast breathe.
"What?" She questions
"Noah and I did" i whisper as I raise my brows and give her the 'you know exactly what I'm talking about look'.
Her mouth drops, like no joke her jaw came unhinged. "Just after a month of dating, you crazy bitch. God I love you" she whispers and then hugs me very, very tight.
"Ok lungs" I gasp "collapsing" I pat her back.
"Protection?" She asks.
"Oh fuck" my eyes go wide.
"No no no!" She stands a frantic look on her face.
I laugh so hard at the look she's giving me "Of corse I did, you should of seen your face" I laugh harder as she looks at me hatred in her eyes.
"I'm gonna kill you"
"No you love me" i say still giggling.
"Yeah true" she comes and sits back next to me. "So how was it?" She wiggles her brows
"He is like a Greek god, but he had a cast on his right wrist remember. So maybe held back I don't know"
Alice just laughs her head off "God you kill me some times"
"And this is his hoodie" I grab at the hoodie on me.
"Oh yeah I know" she raises a brow and looks at me. "You think I'm stupid"
"Nope nothing ever gets past you" I just nod at her words.
"Also saw the hickey on your inner thigh" she shows a smirk as she points down.

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