Chapter 21

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I walk along the cement path until I hit sand, my Nike airs sinking into it. Im wearing the best outfit I brought, ripped light-blue jeans held up with a belt, with a small black top. I left my hair out.
"looking good as always" I turn around to see him dressed up as much as he could. Nice pair of tan shorts with a white branded top and vans. His messy but tamed hair hitting his shoulders.
"I guess you look ok" I huff. He looks at me confused. "Im joking you" I say it under my breath.
"Sorry what, can you repeat that" he places his hand around his ear.
"Hot" I say just above a whisper as my cheeks get warm.
"still can't hear you"
"I said hot" I rush out.
"Aww that's better" he smirks pulling me unto a hug. "Now follow me" his hand grabs mine.
As we walk I don't even look where we are going, I keep glancing down to our intertwined fingers. How my hand fit so well in his, like it was mad for him to hold.
The stars were starting to appear and the moon was brighter than it was last night.
We walk along the grass, Noah pulls me down a sandy walkway and up stony steps.
We stop at the end of the headland, the area was filled with candles, they lit up the little picnic in front of us.
My mouth drops, its so beautiful the stars and moon littered the dark sky above, they were so much more noticeable and seeable up here. The candle light gave the area a warm cozy feeling, you could see the beach and caravan park from up here, the waves broke giving the perfect noise and the foam was light up by the luminous moon.
"your gonna catch flies" Noah says as he places his hand under my chin and pushes my mouth closed, my hand already missing the warmth his hand gave, he smiles. "Please sit"
He points down to the many cushions that littered the grass, in the middle there was a little basket full of food and drinks. I sit down as Noah does.
"I-uh I hope you like it, sorry I couldn't get some Hawaii beach hut" he chuckles.
"Like it? I love it. Its perfect, this is so thoughtful and romantic" I look out to the water a huge smile on my face. Out the corner of my eye is see him smiling, staring at me.
I turn to him "its perfect" I say just above a whisper once more.
"Im glad you like it" he grabs my hand and kisses it "only the best for the best" he lets my hand fall. "Now for food" his eyes light up as he places everything over the picnic rug and moves the basket out of the way.
I almost laugh when I see burgers from Minnie's diner that's just in town.
"What they're good, plus Charlie said its your favourite place" he shrugs passing me a burger.
"no I love it, its just what I needed" I unwrap the burger and place the juicy burger in my mouth, I moan as the flavour hits my tongue.
Noah just stares at me and laughs as he unwraps his burger.
"What this is the best food on earth" I take another bite.
"Don't forget these" he slide the chips into the middle. I almost scream.
"yay" I say my mouth filled with the burger, probably looking like a chipmunk at this point. Noah just shakes his head.
Noahs scoffs down the food with ease and eats a couple chips, I finish my burger and heap fro the chips too. The saltiness drying out my lips. The crunchiness filling the silent air around us.
Noah goes to eat a chip, but a grab it out of his hands and eat it, I smile, he just stares at me frozen. "It looked tasty which it was"
I then grab a chip but he snatches it from me " it looked crunchy" he eats it.
My mouth drops "yeah it was crunchy that's why I wanted to eat it"
"oh no, how sad" he shows a smirk.
I grab the chips and run, I eat them "Hey that's not fair" he whines.
I stop "is to me-" my sentence was cut short when the ships are grabbed out of my hands. "that was rude".
He holds the packet above him, I just frown as I look at him.
"this is bullying" I cross my arms
He sticks his tongue out as he places another chip in his mouth.
I reach up on my tippy toes, learning on him for balance. I grab his arm and pull but it doesn't budge. I squint my eyes as I look at him, he just laughs and places the chips infant of me. I squeal as I eat another.
He just stands there smiling. He digs me back to our spot and puts the packet down. My hands follow The packet like a dog after food.
Noah laughs and places a hand on my face. I look up at him, the admiration in his eyes was hard to miss. My cheeks instantly go red.
"God you're beautiful" without any warning he kisses me snaking his free arm around my waist, pulling my closer to him.
I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him impossibly closer. The kiss becomes heated quickly, I pull away for air as Noah moves soft kisses down my neck. I close my eyes and bite my lip just enjoying the moment.
My heart rate is hammering against my ribcage as my knees becomes jelly. He can do this to me so easily and I love it, I can't lie, I really do.
My breathing becomes heavier, but Noah pulls away and just holds me in a hug. "Desert?" he puffs tying to steady his breathing.
"Mm sure" I just mumble into his chest.
I sit back down as Noah pulls one last thing out of the basket, 2 little lemon meringue tarts. Also from Minnies.
"Minnie's makes everything I swear" I say out of nowhere
"It sure does and it's the best" Noah passes me the tart and can of coke.
We sit there in a comfortable silence just eating. I look up every now and then as does he.
I swallow the last of my food and yawn. I was feeling tired  plus surfing everyday really drains you.
"You tired" he walks over and sits next to me, he clears the blacker and puts more pillows behind us. "Here lay down, we can watch the stars" he pats the pillow behind me.
We both lay down and snuggle up next to each other, I end up looking away from the stars and resting my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat get faster, I smirk knowing he's nervous, I mean I was to but the player being nervous.
His arms wrap around me and I slowly drift off, sleeping on the cold ground was the least of my worries. 

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