Chapter 6

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I hear rummaging and open my eyes slightly.

"We should move them inside. It's like 1 am" Noah says. I look past him to see some people just sitting around talking, it got so quiet, I can see Alice next to me but the others must have left.

"Yeah alright", Josh says. Oh someone decided to wake up. I groan and sit up.

"Hey, lay down" Noah places his hands on my shoulders.

"Not yet, where Josh" I mumbled Noah removes his hands. "Why did you invite Jamie, Josh" I add.

"Oh, he showed up with Cole" he replies

"You could've kicked him out, its your house" I say, josh knows what happened between me and Jamie, he's pretty close to Alice and I.

"Why would you kick him out, he's not that bad" Noah questions

I stand up "Don't worry, it's none of your business. Josh don't tell him" I say with a stern voice.

He raises his hands "wasn't gonna say a word"

I stumble almost falling in the pool when Noah wrapped his arm around my waist. "Careful" he whispers.

I shake my head and put my hands on my head, "Thank you" I grab his hand and take it off "but I can take care of my self" I add.

"Sure you can" he smirks

"yeah I ca-oh no" I scream as I slip into the pool lucky to land on a floaty. Still getting slightly wet. I roll my eyes and sit up, lifting my shoes so they don't touch the water.

I realise I'm showing everything because my dress is slipping down, at least I'm wearing a bikini. My eyes go wide. "Oh my god, stop locking" I stare at the boys.

"lovely view" Noah laughs. I flip him the finger .

I grab my shoes and rip them off my feet and chuck them to the side of the pool. I lift up my dress as the other end of the pool is about to touch the floaty, I step onto the small ledge underwater and get out pulling my dress down. The water socking the bottom of it.

"You boys are bloody annoying" I cross my arms.

"you were the one who said you can look after yourself" Josh just stands there.

"Want to repeat that" I start walking towards him and evil smile on my face.

"Uh, um, I should have helped you, very sorry" he mumbles out.

I laugh walking behind and then pushing into the pool, the water engulfs him splattering me and Noah. We laugh as we watch him struggle. He stands up and walks out of the pool, "Im going to kill you for that" he rages walking up to me.

"No you won't, You love me" I smile, he stops in his spot, I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek. "Now a towel would be nice" I slap him across the head. I walk out the gate of the pool but stop mid step.

"josh you crushing" Noah laughs so hard he hold his stomach.

"You got that wrong" I look at Noah "He got a thing for her" I point at Alice. "Joshie woshie its ok I know you like her, the way you stare at her, Im not dumb" I add.

I suddenly feel way to tired, I yawn. "Im going to find a bed or anything" I walk out of the pool area. "Oh and bring Alice".

I walk into the closest room and jump onto the bed, as soon as I hit the pillow I was gone.

I woke up, the sun beaming in through the window. I groaned and rubbed my forehead. There was a little headache but nothing big. I turned around to see Noah on the bed. He was facing the other way though, with no shirt. Yummy. No not yummy. I shake my head a get up.

I look across the hall to see Alice on Joshes bed and josh on his couch.

I smile, he cares for her, he always has. He may be a player but when it comes to Alice its completely different.

Noah stirs in his sleep and turns over now facing the window. "Can you turn the light off" he groans.

"I would but its broken" I lie.

"You suck"

"You swallow"

"You regurgitate"

"You digest" I smile.

"Ok whatever, give me the remote" he says turning around.

"Its the sun you idiot" I laugh

"Is it seriously morning already. Ahh" he sits up as I walk out the room, phone in hand.

I go to the fridge looking for anything to drink, I grab the orange juice and go to chug it when Noah stops me .

"Oi save some for me" he sits on a chair surrounding the island in the kitchen.

"first in, first serve" I wink and go to chug it leaning on the fridge. He gets up and grabs the carton and raises it above my head. He laughs.

"Oh shorty" he laughs and drinks it. But he leaves some for me.

I laugh "thank you".

"Always got to have a good first impression" he winks. "So, you liking my past posts and not following me back?" He looks at me.

"You know that was me?" Then internally slap myself, I'm so stupid.

He laughs "You're hard to miss, plus your instagram is filled with photos of you"

"yeah I realised" I look down.

"On the beach, that was pretty funny" a smirk spread across his face. I punch his arm.

"shut up"

"What it was cute, you got so embarrassed" he looked at me.

"yeah well that's my brothers for you, and it was not cute at all" I check my phone, its 9 am.

"I knew you were related to Charlie, and I uh, I know you have a crush on me" he grabs an apple from the fruit bowl.

"huh, me crushing on you" I roll my eyes "In your dreams fuck boy"

His blue eyes stare straight into mine, "Are you sure about that Lexi" he walks closer to me, so close I could kiss him but I hold back.

I inch closer to his face "Yeah I'm sure, unless you're saying this because you" I place my hand on his chest "are crushing on me" I bite my lip and step back.

"Alice get your ass up and eat" I yell waking up others including her.

"playing hard to get I see" he huffs. "well I guess I'll see you round lex. It was nice finally meeting you" he walks to the front door and leaves.

I blink, I can finally feel my racing heart. 

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