Chapter 25

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The week past by in a blur, a blur full of 'you and noah did it', 'i heard jay joined in' , 'i heard Brody caught you doing it' or 'oh my you did Brody as well'.
It was so painful being around these rumours, the school has been thriving with them since last week.
Noah groaned as he sat next to me, I looked at him and laughed "I know right tell me about it".
"This school feeds on gossip" he just rests his head on the cold metal table.
The cold wind blows past us, filled with rain, the sky darkening day by day. It started raining like an hour ago.
"Ready for the storm" I nudge noah.
"Mm so ready" he doesn't look up.
"oh stop being miserable" I wrap my arm around him.
"i am miserable because mum won't let me go out during this swell" he raises his head to look at me.
"It is a huge swell, I see where she's coming from"
"Yeah but dads out"
"after school just go out then, go with him" I remove my hand from his back.
"Did you sleep with my brother?" His question comes out of nowhere.
I just look at him my face full of confusion "Are you joking, of course not. Where the hell did that come from?"
"i heard someone talking about it" he just shrugs.
"don't believe these rumours ok" people starts to fill the table. "they have always been exaggerated".
I start eating my fruit salad.
"Mm ok" he just starts a conversation with a mate.
A huge crack of thunder breaks into the air, I jump not ready for it. The clouds lighting up in all areas.
"Hello students, I would like to inform you that the storm is moving in fast and that we have decided to send you all home for the last period. We will see you back as soon as the storm is over" the deputy principals voice rings over the cracking school radio system.
There are hollers and cheers all around ringing throughout the school yard, everyone makes there way to the carpark and bus stops. I walk out the gate, Alice next to me.
Noah is going down to South Miami beach, when there's swell that's where you want to be. That's where everyone will be.
He's going with Max, jay, josh, Brody, Charlie, jace, Kelly and Sam. They all left as soon as possible to get their boards, as Alice and I walk home they drive past us, their cars full of boards and cheering guys.
"Cya babe" noah yells out the passenger side of his brothers car. The rain hitting his face as the window rolls up again.
"Be careful" I yell, the wind carrying my voice. The 3 Utes drove past leaving Alice and I walking in the opposite direction.
The rain hitting anything and everything with force, the wind whips my hood off revealing my damp hair. My eyes barely open, the rain still getting them though.
Alice and I bolt to my house, a long ass walk in the rain is not fun, now running I can barely see. We barge into the house.
Our shoes squeaking on the wooden floor, out hair and cloths dripping on everything. I take my rain coat revealing my drenched clothing.
My school shirt now see-through. My skirt a darker shade then it usually is.
"seriously girls, why didn't you get a lift with someone?" My mum looks at us, a bit of anger in her facial expressions.
"The boys wanted to go surfing and waste no time at all" I shrug.
"helping you beautiful girls home is no waste of time, they're a waste of time and oxygen" she shakes her head a walks over to the linen closet grabbing us some towels, chucking them at use.
"Go have shower now before you get a cold and the power goes out" she shoos us of "dinner will be ready around 6"
Alice and I waddle up the stairs in our cold drenched clothing.
"Lets get the bikinis on and go Bath or whatever" I shrug.
Alice walks over to her draw, yes she has her own draw and at her house I have my own.
We go get changed Chucking the wet clothing in my washing basket, hopefully we can tell who's uniform is who's.
We run the bath and hop in. Sighing at the warm water surrounding us. I turn on the jets causing bubbles to rise to the surface.
Yes a spa bath, its pretty huge as well. The rain was getting heavier and the wind was howling. The window to the bathroom had its curtains up so we could see the sky and watched the magnificent light show it put on for the south coast. The thunder getting louder and sky getting  darker.
"The swell was looking amazing this morning I was so tempted to go out" Alice plays with the bubbles in front of her. "Did you and Noah do it?" She raises her eyebrows.
"Seriously Alice I told you this the first day the rumours started, and no. You would be the first to know"
"Well they're still talking about it" she places her hands under the water.
I sigh "I know. Noahs sick of It and so am I"
After awhile Alice and I hopped out of the bath, Alice got picked up by her dad, in his huge truck which is ' a beast in any weather' apparently.
The rain was coming at a million miles an hour making it impossible for you to see out of the windows. I knew the surf was huge from the sound of it, I just couldn't see it.
I sat in my room, earphones in, music loud, just being content with my self.
Hands started to vigorously shake me, I sit up to mum looking at me frantically "God are you deaf or something, iv been yelling at you"
"Oh sorry m-"
"Charlies been in an accident"

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