Chapter 8

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I feel a hand shaking me, I groan and swat it away. I feel it again. "No". I turn over.

"Lexi get up" Cooper says shaking me again. I hear laughter.

"Go away, let me sleep" I groan slapping his arm.

"It's 5:30"

"exactly more reason for me t-" Cooper cuts me off.

"in the afternoon. Dinner remember" he slaps a pillow over my head.

I open my eyes and shoot up, I look around to see Noahs family already here plus a couple little ones I haven't met yet, the parents are talking while the children laugh at me. "Who are you two?" I look at the little siblings.

"Im Stella and this is James. We're twins and 8 years old" Stella says a big smile on her face showing a little dimple on her right cheek.

"You guys are so big" I ruffle their hair and look at mum.

"I'm to tired. Mum I'm eating my room then I'm sleeping" I say walking over to the food. I grab a hoodie towel and put it over my bikini.

"Nope you're sitting here and socialising" she says placing the plates on the table.

"Fine" I take a seat as everyone starts to grab food.

"How was everyones day" mum questions placing her knife and fork on her plate.

"Jace and I went to the car event in town" Charlie say stuffing his mouth with food.

"I was meant to go but mum forced me to go surfing" Cooper looks at mum. She laughs.

"I had a packed day" I nod

"Noah and Brody went surfing most of the day, James and Stella did whatever they could. Derik and I went to work" Issy says. "but I came home to a house full of toilet paper" she eyes down the twins. Everyone laughs.

"it was the dog" James says trying to act innocent.

Stella looks at him, an eyebrow lifted "we don't have a dog, you were the dog" she pursues her lips and shakes her head while flipping her hair.

I laughed so hard "The sass in that"

"yeah being around boys kinda does that to her" Derik grins.

"same, dealing with these pigs gets to me to" I look at my brothers.

Charlie looks up and smirks. Cooper gives me the evil eye.

"Ah, you love me" I ruffle coopers hair.

After a while the chatter subsided, it was only between the parents.

I left the table and put the dishes in the dish washer. It was 7:30 and I was getting tired.

I walked out the back "Maxi" his head piped up off him bed. "Come on, food" maxi runs in the door to his bowl and scoffs down his food.

"Maxi is so cute. Boxers are the best" Noah walks over and strokes his back.

"They sure are, and Maxi's the best. You're the best aren't you, yes you are, yes you are" I say the last bit in that doggy voice that everyone knows. Maxi wags his whole body not just his tail.

I laugh "go on eat" he looks down and rams his face into the rest of the food.

"My parents aren't gonna leave for a while" Noah points over to the parents in the lounge room drinking wine.

"Oh they will be here in the morning, they're on the wine." I suddenly felt nervous "do you want to go watch a movie?" I ask him, my cheeks slightly heating up.

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