Chapter 16

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My alarm went at 4:30. I slapped my phone so it would shut up.

My eyes closed and I was off again. The song came through again. I groan "Shut the fuck up" I sit up and rub my eyes.

I grab my phone and turn the alarm off. It's 4:40. I grab my grey sweats and my grey sports bra, replacing my Pjs. I grab a white hoodie, put my vans on, I walk down stairs phone in hand as well as my charger.

My hair is in a loose bun. I see everyone getting ready, mum and dad bright as daisies as Cooper, Charlie and I walk around like the dead. I don't know how they're up and awake like "you are aliens for sure" I look at them my eyes squinting, I shake my head and grab my water.

"you need to go to bed early, no need to be on the phone with Alice up late, when you're going to see her in 5 hours" my mums says as my dad chuckles at my comment.

"breakie anyone" I look at dad "We are not stopping for food" he looks straight at me. I groan.

I walk over to the toast made. I take on and eat it. "Hapfy" I say with mouth full of food.

"yef im very hapfy" dad replies, I slap his arm.

"shutf upf" I walk over to the couch and take a seat as I munch on my food.

The boys are eating but there eyes are closed, Charlie is eating little bits at a time, and slowly nobs off in-between every bite. Cooper has his toast in his mouth as he lays on his back, drool sliding down his cheek the toast beaks and slaps him in the face, he jolts up, the little bit of toast still in his mouth, a bit startled.

"alright kids, everything is in the car, just help with the snacks" mum brings bags over, we all take something to the car and get in, I run to the other side so I'm not in the middle.

"I don't want the middle" Cooper whines

"you're the smallest shut up" Charlie shoves him in the car. Maxi jumps in the back as mum places more food in there, she slams the back door and comes up to the passenger seat. Dad comes around keys in hand.

I check my phone 4:54. Its too early. I lean my head back as the hum of the car fills my ears. My eyes close and I'm gone.

* * *

I walk up to the lonely figure, the sand feels cold beneath my feat but the sun glows, my heart pounds.

He turns around. My smiles gets wide as butterflies fill my stomach.

He smiles, he hugs me.

I look up, "I love you" his words come out smooth like they're meant to be.

His eyes look into mine, then at my lips, then at my eyes again. I bite my lip, his chuckle fills me ears.

His laugh sound like music to my ears. I could listen to it all day.

His soft lips hit mine, his hands hold my hips and my hands grab his hair.

We pull away "I love you too" I look up into different eyes. Everything gets dark, the sun vanishes.

"I know, you always loved me" his smile shows danger.

"Get away Jamie" he fades away.

I turn around to be faced with a huge wave, it breaks on me.

Swishing me around in its foam, I struggle for air, his face shows again, I scream. The only air I had raises to the surface.

I look up through the dark water, only sinking, only getting deeper, only showing a glimpse of light.

I grab my throat and try to breathe but chock.

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