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Saying goodbye to the friendly girls with a hand gesture, Tony found himself lured into a soft kiss by Addison's lips that made him want to return to the moment of the events where they consummated each other in a carnal encounter but with his clever system this time. Just when he separated from the sensual blonde and closed the door behind him, the vehicle started in a hurry, ending the adventure in which they both stumbled. The dark-haired boy framed a sad grimace, aware that he would never see her again. He didn't understand why good moments always had to be short-lived.

Tony was stranded in the middle of the street in his neighborhood, in front of the doors of his house. His mouth expelled a predisposed breath, ready to face his brother. Not that he feared what Ondreaz might do to him; he just couldn't bear the thought that Ondreaz would be disappointed because of his complete immaturity. Nor was he doomed to please his brother for all eternity, he wanted a little free time like every teenager. Although it was better if he had communicated to the chestnut before

"Here we go, Tony." He convinced himself with a sigh. Dragging his shoes, accepting his fate and ringing the doorbell of his house "Nothing bad happened; there is nothing to worry about." A wily smile stretched his lips. "The idiot will be proud of me."

Resting the palm of his hand on a cement pillar on the side of the door, his gaze dropped and he decided that the decoration of his sneakers would be important to his sight while he waited until his brother raised his lazy ass to open the door. He waited, blew out compressed air, moved from side to side, and rang the doorbell countless times during the five minutes he was outside but no one opened.

Crossing his arms, he glared at the oak in the doorway before knocking harder. He noticed how hollow it was, and immediately, all impatient expression took a drastic change towards confusion. Surely his irresponsible brother was fucking one of his girlfriends, somewhere again and he didn't leave the house locked.

Rolling his eyes at the guess, he fumbled the door and ventured to examine the interior of his own home. It was empty; a freezing blizzard of loneliness hit him as soon as he stepped inside, until it seemed that not even the devil's very soul wanted to stay. Closing the front door behind him, he took his first steps around the living room looking for any sign of life.

"Hello?!" He screamed, receiving nothing more than the pitcher of birds in response. "Ondreaz? I know you're here, you damn clown! "


He heard absolutely nothing.

With a sigh of surrender, he headed for the kitchen. He was hoping to be lucky to find something to eat. He wasn't going to stay to fill his stomach with the garbage that the employees prepared in that unknown hotel; he had enough to have lost himself with a fantastic girl on the outskirts of the city. He would make sure to be careful for the next one; he thanked heaven for not putting himself in danger during his unconsciousness.

He was about to open the refrigerator when he tripped over something heavy. Looking down, he found an image that he would surely never get out of his head. Ondreaz was lying; face down, on the dirty kitchen floor that looked as if it hadn't been touched by a rag for days. The chestnut was motionless, without saying a single word. But what alarmed Tony the most was that he couldn't hear his breathing.

Paralyzed, powerless, hissed, those were the adjectives that described the black-haired boy at the time. An idea went through his head miraculously. Tony squatted down quickly, and in a shaky movement, lifted his brother's heavy body in his arms. He was shaken.

"No, no, no...!" He shook Ondreaz's body carelessly, trying to revive him even if it was for brute science. "Ondreaz. Shit, wake up. Ondreaz wake up, please!"

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now