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Tony didn't mind carrying the weight of a smile hanging from his face as he introduced his older brother to Chase; the nerves that drummed his body for doing it in the beginning were lost in tiny sparks when the slapstick attitude of the older dancer tore more than a laugh from the green-eyed boy's mouth. The luggages clutching their hands were irrefutable evidence that the cunning black-haired boy had managed to pull his brother out of the negative quarantine he had locked himself in.

Of course, he'd gotten shit for that last detail. Ondreaz still couldn't get the electroshock out of his mind, the news that the boy who broke his little brother's soul in childhood was currently living around the boarding school, had totally bruised him. He always thought that, after the years passed normally, Tony's memory would end up photographing that child as just one more ghost from the past.

He simply shouldn't believe it, but when his naive brother told him about his plan to make all the opportunities he had lost possible to regain the supposed unbreakable friendship he had had with that child, he allowed himself to let the impulse of protection knock him down.

He never imagined that the black-haired boy still continued to feel some compassion despite all the damage that boy caused him, but he should have foreseen it due to the long searches for his whereabouts or the inconsolable nights where his brother seemed to yield to surrender, signs that only caused Ondreaz's pulse of rage contorted. He was sure that if he had had to carry that story of loss on his shoulders, he would forget the boy who devastated him and continue living his life without worries.

Although he did not have to be the protagonist of the romantic film, resentment also fell on the chestnut's emotions for allowing a stupid boy to destroy Tony's friendship without being aware of his actions. He had sworn that if he ever got to meet him again, he would kick his butt the same way he kicked his brother out of his circle and beat his body to shreds just like he did with the dark-haired boy's innocence.

He knew the boy had his reasons for walking away, but as a result of this, Tony had entered into a kind of depressive journey that lasted for a long time. Nick apparently forgot Ondreaz's main rule: no one makes his beloved little brother cry.

He only wanted to make the culprit of Tony's depression pay, but when he noticed the joy overflowing from the black-haired boy's aura every time he stepped a minimum inch of that house, where supposedly he had seen that boy who disappointed him, the only thing he could do was swallow the cholera drive.

"This will be your new room." Chase, the boy he had met when he set a foot on the floor of that house, reported, keeping an eye on him. "I will speak to Help Center to let them know that your stays will be canceled at the boarding school and you will be crossed directly to the Hype House."

Along with the green-eyed signs, it was possible to clearly see the distribution of two single beds in a considerable space that both brothers immediately approved. The room was tidy as if it had been prepared to receive its new owners, the wallpaper on the walls was less childish than the one provided by the university and there was a huge mirror that served as a mask for the wardrobe behind it that would benefit them a lot for their dance practices.

The windows that scattered at certain specific points on the walls served as vending machines for the sunlight that filtered through them, making the light ignite the entire room. In one corner were two long oak desks where they could put some of their belongings or do their homework. A large television covered the height of the desks and a door that surely belonged to the bathroom was located at one end.

"This is wonderful." Ondreaz was not intimidated by shame as he threw himself into one of the soft beds, drawing a blushing look from his brother and a casual laugh from Chase. "I feel like I'm going to sleep in a presidential suite."

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