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"It shouldn't hurt that bad, should it? It's just a little scratch."

Streamlining his tiny little hands, Nick applied a considered amount of liquid to his palm before pressing against the dirty skin of his best friend's knee, enjoying the moan of pain that the burning of alcohol caused to release from his mouth. Gently, he pressed a gauze pad onto the wound, now disinfected, once the antiseptic medicine dried and did the job of getting the cotton properly installed over the area.

Tony snorted, "You say that because you weren't the one who slipped in that mud puddle."

"I know the feeling and you're just being a weepy little girl." He gave a short laugh before packing a band of bandages around the affected place and cutting it with a small pair of scissors, fulfilling his mission "It already stays."

The taller one glanced at the white wallpaper "Are you sure this will heal me?"

"Don't worry; you're not going to die." He chased away with his hand, mocking pulling his words "You'll recover soon."

"Do you know what you do?" He stretched and picked up his leg several times, taking care that the bandage did not come off his knee, even distrusting the abilities of his best friend. "Wasn't it easier to put on a Band-Aid?"

He had fallen during one of their football games, over a large puddle of mud, retaliation built due to the attack of the spring rains of the year. They were forced to leave the game and go to their shelter in the tree house to hospitalize the black-haired kid's injury; it was not so serious, just a simple touch scratched by the claws of the ground but that, nevertheless, made Tony moan several of pain.

"With a little Band-Aid it doesn't work." He assured, returning all the first aid instruments inside his mother's kit "My mother does this to me every time I fall while playing and get hurt, trust me, I have learned a lot by observing her."

"Then I can know that I am in good hands." A nice smile was given from his position "Thank you, Nicky. Without a doubt, you're the best doctor who has reviewed me."

"Oh no, the doctors charge." He clucked his tongue in disapproval. "And you, patient o' mine, have not paid me."

"How much do I owe you?"

"Mhm, let's see. For stealing the kit from my mom, for carrying you all the way up here and for healing your wounds..." He put a finger on his chin, holding it, as if he was really thinking about it. It was only when a small smile spread between his lips that he allowed himself to look at him again. "How about you buy me a bag of jelly beans in the shape of maggots from the candy store?"

"Again?" He blinked loudly, impressed by the boy's insistence with those sweets. "I don't think my mom is given any time off from work now to take us for a walk to the mall."

"Then, I will not see you in my hospital again." He crossed his arms, looking away with a false gesture of anger "A debt is a debt."

"Come on, Nicky, don't resent me." Tony pouted depressed "I'll do whatever you want."

"I already decided." He stated "And it's still nope."

The chestnut's slender body rose from the wood of the tree house and walked to the shelf where their important things were located. Finding his favorite teddy bear, the younger one smiled as he pulled her out of her post and felt his best friend use his brain for the first time just to make up for it, a real effort that made him blush halfheartedly because all his concerns were now focused on him.

Just what he always wants from him.

"There must be another way to pay you."

He played with the arms of his furry toy, examining if there was any deformation to fix as he usually did every time he went up to the house.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now