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Slowly opening his eyes, Nick could not avoid the blink that threatened his eyelashes. He felt submissive as the tiny strands of their hair, however diminutive they were, momentarily brushed against his eyes, causing a prolonged burning sensation in the affected areas. His line of sight gradually began to get used to his surroundings, with a faint reflection of the igneous events that had happened during the previous night and the memories that seemed to be fragments of dream within his memory.

He was not surprised to find Tony by his side, still dozing, clinging to his small waist as if hugging a plush stuffed animal. His Teddy Bear.

The soft snores that shot from his mouth told him that the boy was not planning to wake up soon, the slow chain of his breathing reached his ears along with the breeze of his morning breath. The brown-haired boy turned to admire him in his entire splendor, smilingly observing his calm features, resting softly and his large eyes closed, immersed in a rewarded dream. Nick wished with all his might to contemplate that affectionate scene for the rest of eternity, the dancer looked completely calm as if the existence of all his personal concerns had suddenly been extinguished.

Leaving a warm kiss on the tip of his nose, he cautiously removed the black-haired boy's hand from his waist and rose from the bed. Searching for a pair of slippers before walking to the outside of the room, his footsteps echoed for a few seconds but he managed to keep the silence of the environment balanced. On tiptoe, he finally managed to get out of his own bedroom and closed the door behind him gently enough not to wake him up.

Going down the stairs, he headed straight for the kitchen, bumping into Ryland on his way. He wondered when the boy managed to get to the place without making the biggest noise with his feet, especially why he decided to wake up early when he was not normally tempted to do so. Little did he know the answer to his ignorance.

His glowing smile faded.


The named was startled to hear his name come from the lips of his best friend, who raised an interrogative eyebrow when his arc of vision flew directly into the bottle filled with recently boiled milk.

His frightened look was what confused the chestnut the most the moment he turned to face him, instantly his brown eyes widened.


The boy looked at him puzzled "Do you have any explanation to give me about the relationship you have with that bottle in your hands?"

"Uhm?" He tried futilely to disorient his best friend's curiosity, failing on his way. "I ... I, uh, the boys and I were planning to play a prank on Chase."

"Chase didn't even spend the rest of the day with us, I thought he already told us," He pointed out, folding his arms, waiting for a reasonable explanation, "What's really going on, Ryland?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He smiled and naively shrugged. "Nothing is happening that you should be concerned about, life is running its course normally as it always has and will continue to do so."

He leaned his gaze to point to the glass object behind him.

"Who's that bottle for?"

Glancing around quickly in the hope that no one would be around to catch them, Ryland took Nick's arm and pulled him away as he dropped the bottle onto the counter, the same finish being warmed up. He led the younger one to a secluded corner of the kitchen where he was sure no one would listen to them.

In the eyes of the almost blond, the concern was revealed "What you are about to hear, bunny, is of utmost importance and you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone, absolutely no one, I warn you."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now