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Madison gasped against opposite lips. The named pushed harder as he growled in response, a melodious symphony of moans with the letter of his name fell from the blonde's lips to the dancer's ears as she felt the fire in her flower become more and more ticklish.

The itch grew as Tony pushed upward, expanding from the stir that was building in her stomach until all the girl could feel was her inner walls destroying herself, each onslaught rightly lashing out at her sweet spot, causing her long golden hair was released back and her clear eyes turned white, until she exploded, all the pleasant torture ended when she ran in the length of the dancer in a watery lake of humidity that wet both skins of their sexes and took their breath away.

Tony reached his own ecstasy after a few lunges, squeezing the blonde's hips with his hands and pounding on her doors to paradise as he filled her intimacy properly, burying his face in the companion's busts to muffle his gasps.

They parted after a few seconds of calm, the dark-haired boy leaned back on the cold floor in an attempt to catch his breath and Madison propped herself up on his elbows as she stared with pleasure at the figure of her lover. All the lights had been turned off before they broke the sexual tension, the fire of sweat trickled down their bodies like a vein, and Tony was still wondering how they came to wind up undiscovered.

He was sure that the girl was not completely silent while they were consuming their eroticism, or at least he thought that since her mouth stayed pressed against the damned ear of the youngest of the Lopez throughout the act.

"Damn, Lopez, you know how to move." Madison was the first to manage to control her breathing, and the dancer could not avoid that pride fed him when he heard the compliment fall from the opposite lips in a satisfied way. "We should rehearse alone more often."

The black-haired boy just smiled and took that as his transport to leave, however he still wanted to stay for the second lap but he knew he couldn't press any further against his luck, they hadn't been caught by a miracle and that was more fortune than he could possibly possess. His first class of practice had been better than he imagined but he really had to go, he knew there were more opportunities to repeat it and he would not miss them.

So he took it upon himself to get up and then Madison to clean up their mess with the handkerchiefs that his partner kept in her sports bag. They rushed to find their respective items of clothing that flew through the air while weaving their pleasant nest and quickly put them on. They both looked at each other knowingly but they didn't say a single word.

Tony was the first to enlist and the first to walk to the exit. He adjusted his backpack and before crossing the door of the rehearse chamber, he turned to take a last look at Madison.

"Thanks for fixing my week; I'll see you on Monday." He smiled honestly at her and finally left the place.

Each time the corridors plunged into darkness as he accelerated his steps to the exit of the Artistic Dance building, where he was pursuing his professional career, guarding the perimeter with his instincts in his mission to avoid being captured by a security guard. Before observing the bluish clarity of the night magnifying glass and stepping outside, he stumbled across some student bodies fervently devouring themselves inside the shady corners.

Luckily, no night watch trod the path of his escape, so it was easy for Tony to streamline perfectly around the place and gallop his feet to the fraternity where he would soon be an official member.

He was happy about it, he always wanted to be part of a recognized group where he could instantly get acquainted, and that his brother also kept him company, only the smile that stretched from his lips only made him bigger. Although, due to recent news, he forgot that happiness walking through its circuits.

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