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"How has California been treating you?"

Ondreaz's voice floated through the earpiece as Tony adjusted his cell phone in the space between his ear and his shoulder, shortening the few inches. He tried to find a comfortable position during his talk with his older brother while taking a puff of his sweet chocolate ice cream that his boyfriend's mother had generously provided him in a china cup before leaving. You know, the conceit of his beloved mother-in-law, the pleasures of a loving woman whom he considered his second mother, the typical.

Someday, he would return all the love and dedication that she has been giving him. But that did not mean he would take advantage of her benevolence.

On the other hand, his body ached cruelly as if a night highway truck had inadvertently run over him and from which, fortunately, he had managed to get out alive after the accident.

His little bear was right; he could barely regularly refill his chest with oxygen because the sensation hammered him if he fully inflated it. The false performance that he had to play with the role of the man, who woke up with his health high every day in front of his in-laws, had convinced them without raising suspicions.

Anyway, he had gotten a little used to the burning pain in his butt when he pretended to walk normally in front of the adults down the hallways, luckily they assumed the black-haired boy was coming out of the bathroom when in fact he had only woken up early to head to the guest room again and pretend he had been sleeping there all night.

He swear that his entire Spartan body would disarm at that moment but he managed to maintain his composure quickly, from that moment on, he promised that he would avoid at all costs allowing his little bear to be the one to give instead of receive.

"Everything is going perfectly in these sectors: Mommy Jo and Daddy Austin are not at home at the moment because they were presented with some unforeseen errands" He smiled nostalgically, the vintage reel from the days when they visited the Austin home in Las Vegas and the elderly received them complacently reproducing in his memory. "I can assure you that they have aged quite a bit since the last time we saw them, do you remember what they were like?"

The assent was not long in coming "I do."

"In the same way, they still make us feel at home, they continue to treat us in the same loving way as when we were little despite our age. Yesterday, we spent the whole afternoon talking, remembering old occurrences, laughing, playing board games, living together like a happy family, you know, until..."


The intrigue of the opposite grew desperately due to the abrupt pause "What? What happened?"

"Nothing bad" He gave a small knowing giggle as well as amused. "You have to guess."

"Oh, let it go, brat" He pressed, surely attentive to the curiosity of the conversation so it frustrated him a bit that his little brother will play that way with him. "Tell me, what happened? Did you find out that Nick had a secret fiancée that his own family has been hiding all this time and the secrets are only now coming to light? Mhm let me guess: Right now you are waiting in an airport seat for the plane that will bring you back to Las Vegas."

"Uhm, not exactly ..." He slurred, frowning strangely as he took another puff of his dessert. "What made you think that?"

"It tends to happen in Shakespearean novels" He rolled his eyes due to the boyish wit of the chestnut, resigning himself to listening to his curiosity. "Well then ..."

Smiling, he decided it was time to spit out the soup "The best of all the things that have happened to me so far: Nicky asked me to be his boyfriend."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now