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Feeling the bulky weight beneath him, Nick blinked a few times, watching with minimized eyes the dozing features of the boy who slept with him as they adjusted to the dimness of the room. He had forgotten to draw the curtains before falling into Morpheus's arms, in fact, he had no plans to spend the night with the dancer, nor to remain submerged in the world of dreams in his arms, or else, he would have allowed a bit of natural clarity from the outside sneaks in so that his non-guest doesn't feel uncomfortable under the mesh of darkness.

The music seemed to have stopped on the other side of the door, he supposed that the party had ended or the morning sun had reached the students to scold them for not having rested all night.

He was in a mess of troubles.

He still had spots of images of his ex-girlfriend's cheating glimpsed in every point of his head, instead of crying on a night of depressive insomnia, he was preparing for the scandalous gossip interview that would take place once he crossed the doors of the university but that was the least worrying now.

His conscience cut its breath as it opened its eyes inside his head and remembered with certainty the person who accompanied him throughout the night. There was certainty in the box, he was sure that he had communicated to all, without fail, that he was not in the mood to throw the house out the window, so they had enough reason not to demand his presence.

But Tony...

The party was created for him and his older brother; surely they must have been looking for him when they noticed that he had disappeared from the crazy crowd. If it had happened, he believed with conviction that someone entered in his bedroom while they slept and discovered them together, holding each other in a position that fell within the range of being strange to others.

The alarming assumptions shook his mind: What if someone saw Tony enter his room during the party?

What if everyone already knew of their whereabouts and misinterpreted things?

What if Dixie used that to his advantage to conspire behind his back even more?

Thanks to the latter, he completely chased away any hint of drowsiness outside his system and tried to get up, forgetting, frightened, that the black-haired boy still remained with his arms wrapped around his waist like two handcuffs which lost their keys. Wondering how they managed to stay in the same position all night without moving an inch, Nick was sure he didn't consider himself a still guy.

"Mhmm, just one more kiss." The dancer stammered something that managed to understand himself with effort as he squeezed his grip on feeling the restless movements.

He would have continued to squirm if it wasn't for the hard touch that hit his belly, the strange lump rubbed on the chestnut's abdomen unconsciously as he tried to accommodate himself correctly to escape the cling, he didn't want to have to endure the owner of the strange thing if he woke him up.

His face was colored deep reddish, as fast as the blow towards a house of cards, and it is that the dictionary should invent a stronger and more significant word to describe how ashamed he was in that moment. He was feeling Tony Lopez's little friend in his stomach, how much more humiliation could he tolerate over the course of the year?!

"Tony?" He whispered, pricking his nose with a finger to wake him up and get rid of the obscene incident that was killing him. "Wake up now, we have to go down with the others."

The aforementioned pouted but continued with his rest, without detaching himself from the slimmer body. How did they get into that situation? Friends did not do that, friends did not sleep holding each other or feel their private parts while they did. After a few minutes admiring the serene expression of his companion, Nick's memory jumped into yesterday night. He remembered all the words, the caresses, the gestures, the looks, the touches, but above all, he realized that he fell flat on his face to the same place where he promised never to set a foot again.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now