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"I am confident that Lopez will learn a great deal under your masterful talent, Miss Lewis." Twisting his ankle from side to side in an attempt to heal the pain that exhaustion affords him after his class lessons, Tony looked up to witness the smile that his teacher of choreographic performances was indulging the girl in question "I leave everything in your hands for today, I hope I can see good results for tomorrow."

The light blue color of her eyes was barely visible when a shimmering smile of praise tugged at her lips, nodding emphatically with a promising appearance. Her hands clasped over the lower part of her thin back told the black-haired boy that the girl kept all that innocence with which she managed to manipulate anyone at her whim.

At that moment, he realized that Charli was never a concern to worry about.

"Don't worry, Mr. Kellan," And there was her voice, warm, charming, persuasive, flattering to the man's ears. But manipulative and evil for the dancer, "Tony will become an important bone for the group, I will not disappoint you."

He accepted with his head "I'll hope for the best."

Throwing a glance at the curly one last time, with the mistrust of supposing that the boy would not pay absolute attention to the teachings of the blonde crossing between his chocolate eyes, he left the rehearsal chamber with the company of the remaining students leaving the strenuous class once it finished. The completion bell rang through the halls of the university several minutes ago, warning that students should return to their respective rooms to rest and recharge for the next day.

Perhaps the problem with his insomnia was not because of his concerns; it was due to the time he chose for his classes.

Perhaps he had to seriously consider ordering his request to receive his sooner lessons.

The sun ceasing on the horizon, caused all the exterior lights to turn off automatically thanks to the pilot mechanism that the facility's system acquired, made due to the lack of dedication of the workers. At least now, both of them did not have to worry about being caught by a security guard since, with the word of the higher authority enjoyed by the teachers of the place, they managed to convince the lower staff to stay until a more adequate time.

When he had no reason to worry, it was where the anguish consumed him the most. He knew very well that Nick would not appear that night to accompany him to the fraternity or to escape with him to some blind spots of the radar of the surveillance cameras, perhaps the chestnut would not appear again in front of his presence after the intelligent suspicions that were hit him against him.

What he feared most came true. The mistakes of the past returned to say goodbye to him, causing the greatest damage that had accumulated to give him the final blow, as they had done against his brother. In comparison to the older chestnut, he did not get any of his former suitors pregnant but that did not remove the fact that the burden of the problem was not large and important.

He was cursing himself internally, he must have fixed things with his little bear before attending classes and after that, he should have realized that during all this time it was Madison the whimsical one who encouraged him to put him on the ropes. She lit the flames and he was the fool who threw himself into them. He must have broken that bond that had spun with her for a long time, even before trying to makes Nick fall in love with him; he had to be willing and serene to change everything in his life.

Now he paid the consequences and he was afraid of losing him.

"Well, apparently the guards are more focused on guarding the front door, all the lights are out safely in this room and we have plenty of time ahead" The blonde girl began, picking up her sports bag to retrieve a bottle of water and take a drink to her painted lips chrome pink. "Do you want to practice those unnecessary dance lessons or do you want to skip directly to our own private dance lessons? I have no problem whatsoever by leaning towards the second option."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now