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Meanwhile, Nick watched his shoes with better effort, paying more attention than the whimpers that his girlfriend was shooting at him as they crossed the glass doors that led outside the Theater faculty, where the chestnut was studying his acting career.

They had been soaked with pathetic discussion because of the new schedule changes that the principal had implanted over each classroom; they were supposed to meet after school in their secret place to spend time alone having a date in the city as a true couple in love.

It was Friday, synonymous of free time, where a massive number of students would end up breaking free after a long and tired week of study. Normally, they spent most of their rest, missing the circuit of the hours in organized parties. They got drunk to mourn their conscience inside them or, when it came to private parties where they sometimes sneaked under the blindness of the guards who watched the list, in their respective rooms to hang out and had sex like damn rabbits until dawn.

That way, they could clear their minds of the bitter gulp that homework provided. For teens, staying on top of their sanity rope is paramount.

College is just another invention of juvenile dementia, another hormone machine that worked with the madness of adolescence. Teachers were aware of the debauchery of their students and all they could do was accept that kind of behavior. Banning a youngster from accessing the uncontrolled immaturity tool is the same as standing behind a donkey's paw waiting for it to kick you out of their sight.

Part of the concern to continue receiving the money from his parents was also involved in the issue of debauchery.

"It's just incredible that we are still being treated with this type of shit, I thought they had stopped doing it because of the last incident." And she kept talking but as much as she tried, she could not look up from her boyfriend "I'll talk to my father to lower the cost of the monthly payment until they stop doing the same to us permanently."

The night embraced the couple when they went outside, the clinking stars indicated that the sky was exempt from any storm and the song of the crickets was lost as they advanced along the sidewalk until they heard the scandalous sound of the music speakers growing in their ears.

Their destiny now was to get to the fraternity as quickly as possible, they did not have this planned, they did not want to be present at the integration party of their fraternity. But unfortunately, they were forced to hold the so-called party; Nick's aura was not pleased by it. It was not that he was not excited by the official introduction of the Lopez brothers, somewhere in him; his affection for Tony was still locked up.

It was just that he could not accept him again in his life; it was not easy for him to forget all the commotion that the black-haired boy caused in his crystallized heart. He wanted to continue keeping the meters of distance between them, a little more time, before his feelings betrayed him again.

After that incident in the upstairs hallways, he decided he would take things easy.

"Did you take the sooner lessons as I asked you to?" The boy didn't reply, still with his eyes glued to the ground as they walked. "You did it, didn't you?"

And it is that the chestnut could not simply ignore everything that has happened between them, he still did not fit in his mind the fact that their lips touched again, nor did he believe that the objective of their reunion would be only to try to equilibrate the balance or solve the confusing conclusions that were stranded for a long time.

Nick noticed something in those hazel eyes that had him shuddering just to contact them, he lived it by ignoring Tony during the course of the week to avoid slipping into his strange question sessions; he didn't know if the guy wanted to look answers or drag him back to his provocative games. He was afraid that the black-haired boy would be able to move one of his pieces to reactivate his heart's past.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now