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"You're the most son of a bitch heartbreaker I ever knew!"

Nick could wait for tears to burn Amelie's eyes but didn't think a slap would install the burning on his cheek. Turning his gaze from the sulky attack, he noted the pain on his now ex-girlfriend's face and was somewhat distressed by the excuses he made to break up the relationship. He ran his hand over the hot injured area, gently rubbing the reddish skin of it in an attempt to vanish the pain that was itching growing

Bravely, he had headed to Kitty House with the promise of looking for his fake girlfriend; it may have turned into the worst idea when the hungry-gazing dome belonging to the fraternity dwellers cloaked him on his way. His determination to listen to his best friend's advice, his longing to correct the mistakes of his past and his respect for Tony's feelings motivated him to put on his pants well, avoiding intimidation.

His way of seeing life might have changed, but his past as a womanizer still brought consequences, persecuted him inexcusably, and he knew that part of the blame fell on him for having disappointed those poor girls.

Once he found Amelie's room, he put an end to all the sentences they had ever written, including chapters from their past. He explained every detail for the breakup without fail but kept the news of his new change of feeling in the direction of a certain dancer cautiously inwardly, not yet ready to bring the information to light and it was hardly too early to do so. In addition to the fact that the girl could use that scoop to destroy him, they were not yet official boyfriends.

The steps would go up steps, little by little.

After so many laps, his excuses about not being ready for a serious relationship were so credible that he managed to give up on the relationship. Although he did not predict that the aftermath of such an unfavorable crime would increase in intensity at the moment of counterattacking.

He was right, the blue-eyed lady was the crazy obsessed when it came to him.

Just as Amelie tried to throw another slap, Nick moved away a few inches to dodge the impact. The girl's bluish crystallized orbs were the next thing he faced.

"How dare you play with me like that, you bastard with no feelings? I thought we had something special."

His desire to correct the offensive nickname tempted him, he was not callous at all or would otherwise not have fallen in love with the curly idiot again, but decided he did not want to spill more gasoline on the flames.

He rolled his eyes "I already apologized a minute ago; don't keep insisting on something that never blossomed between us."

New tears ended up spoiling her makeup. "Why did you do this to me, Nick?"

He sighed, the weight falling his shoulders off "I don't understand it myself; I suppose it was because of some side effect of trying to change my heart or some of that shit." He explained again "You were being a pain in the ass when you asked me to start a relationship with you; I told you that you left me no choice but to accept your proposals."

"Oh, so I was the one who screwed everything up from the beginning?" She mumbled her teeth, indignant.

"Not only did you screw it up since you stepped on my house, you also destroyed something more interesting that could have changed our life in the university with your stupid jealousy of obsessive and capricious psychopath who doesn't mind murdering the purpose of others just to get what you want."

He would have liked to spit that out to her but she was already demolished enough to withstand another reality hit.

"No, Amelie, you weren't the one who screwed everything up," He crossed a hand over his face, exhausted, "It was me the stupid one who played with you because of my fears, I'm so sorry."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now