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Y'all don't know how joyous my day became when I woke up this morning and walked into Wattpad, finding that we hit 30K READERS, seriously, my parents literally saw me as a weirdo bug when I came down to breakfast with a chilling smile on my lips. Thank you so so so fucking much, my beautiful little monsters (Lady Gaga vibes), I really don't have the precise words to let you all know how truly grateful and happy I am for all of you. I love you, I wish a million kisses fell on you right now, I wish Coronavirus never reach you all out, omg my heart's going to explode AGHHHHHH ...

You make my happiness, you make my life. ~With all your love, ziambelieve<3


"That's the way I wanted to find you, you little rascal!"

Closing the front door behind them, both Nick and Tony jumped in shock as they heard Chase's exalted voice approach them. They had only just returned from their amusement park ride and they were sure they had met no one else besides Addison during their free time together. The reproachful look of the green-eyed boy told them that some mistake had gotten out of their hands so that the living feeling in red of his friend was awakened, and no, it did not refer to a carnal feeling.

Nick's skinny build shuddered at just the thought stuck in his head that this time they would really be discovered for who they really were and not for what others thought they were. He was not ready yet but he was working on it in the meantime, he was just mentally asking his friends to wait a little longer until the entire catastrophe inside him finished causing its horrors.

Looking up, behind the tallest one, he stumbled upon the figure of Ryland, who seemed hurried to finish climbing the steps. The views were connected when the almost blond turned to observe the scene for a moment from his place and then, simply go up the stairs, carrying nothing more than a strange long glass of boiled milk on hand.

Immediately, he knew that something was up and there was no way he would back down before finding out. In any case, they were best friends and Ryland would have their support regardless of the magnitude of the circumstances the boy faced, after all, it was he who had persuaded everyone to believe the old story of Nick rehearsing during the whole afternoon with one of his classmates to adapt to the lines of his next acting tests.

Which, by the way, he should not worry because they were false... or that the chestnut wanted to believe so as not to spend the whole day studying his forgotten scripts. However, he did not care at all; he always let himself be carried away by his scenography experiences to escape from any type of altercation like these.

It would be good.

Although there was still the possibility that they would discover that this friendly companion of rehearsals was only a certain dancer who was in person at his side and also that they did not exactly practice acting.

"Who the fuck were messing with you during the entire afternoon?" Well, no one could agree that Chase would prefer to climb the branches; he did it directly through the trunk. "I asked your females colleagues for you to be sure that what Ryland said was true, and by the way that vermin will have to give us a good explanation later for cheating on us all like that, they said they haven't seen you since the last class, where the fuck were you really at?"

The rebuked chestnut rolled his eyes "It's not personal Chase but I don't need to give you explanations about where I am or who I was involved with, because that's a private matter that will die with myself."

He frowned "I'm your fucking best friend too; I deserve to know the sneaky pranks in case you find yourself in danger because of your innate stupidity."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now