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Wrapping his hands around the texture of the metal, Nick clung to the bar that kept them shielded from a possible fall when the respective seat that had touched them on the Ferris wheel stopped in the area with the highest distance considered to the ground. The sky seemed to have become clearer from that point of view and the panorama of the park became increasingly interesting for the dancer's eyes, it was totally outlandish in an aspect that seemed to please him.

On the other hand, his little bear could not say the same about the view with the same amount of appreciation. He already knew the place from head to toe; he had already enjoyed the same mechanical games that the park employees did not want to change for something newer. Unfortunately for him, setting foot again in the same amusement park was already boring to such an extent that, even pretending, could not erase the tired expression on his face.

Tony's arm slipped through the backrest, running down the hardness of the back of the seat to reach the end of the chestnut's shoulders. Apparently, the boy was enjoying the gaze at the entertaining landscape, and apparently he did not care if he was discovered by the public in such an effusive way with his best friend.

Nick recognized that gesture as a point in his favor, the fact that the black-haired boy was not ashamed that their relationship was being spoken, it made him sigh. He wished he could escape his own feelings of humiliation but he was still a coward.

It bored him anyway to visit the amusement park again but seeing the smile that stretched from Tony's lips, it would be worth it to bear all the disinterest again.

A whistle escaped the lips of the older one, who watched the entire panoramic spectacle in fascination "Wow, I never thought that California parks could be so beautiful too."

His little bear snorted, with a smile "That is nothing, wait until you taste the cotton candy that they sell around here, they are too sweet, it's like taking a bite out of a cloud of paradise."

"Right, I forgot how much you loved these sweet things." He looked at him, confession in his eyes "How about I buy you a whole bag when the wheel finishes turning? In exchange for that, we got on where you promised to take us when we were in the car."

That caused the brown-haired boy to roll his eyes "You came out very blackmailing, Antonio."

He moved his eyebrows suggestively, shrugging "What can I say; I must take advantage of the opportunities that arise when I am alone with you."

Pulling a rebellious lock of his curly hair, the chestnut prevented the boy's abusive lips from falling onto his as he approached "Control yourself, horny pants."

He complained about the pain in his scalp "So that's a yes, will you keep your promise and take me to the tunnel of love?"

"Doesn't the idea just sound a little ... cheesy?" He raised an eyebrow, folding his arms awkwardly. "There are other fun games we can jump on together other than that, I know this place like the back of my hand."

"Let me guess," He thought for a minute, "Perpetual memories of childhood?"

"No, I think of something more memorable than that." He shook his hand, shaking his head "You better forget it; you don't want to know the real reason behind it."

"Look at me," He obeyed, more to feel the thick fingers under his chin, "Remember what I told you the other night? Between us, there will be no more secrets to hide, do you remember? We will accept each other regardless of the severity of our mistakes."

"Yes, but ..." He sighs, resolving that facing the facts would destroy the weight that was crushing him "Okay, remember when you came back from Las Vegas and found out about my relationship with Dixie?"

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now