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Jo's eyes widened, bouncing out of their sockets, causing the blue blood in her eyes to widen like a cartoon as she brought a hand to her mouth, surely trying to avoid giving a stupor gasp with the softness of the skin of her palm when meeting the scene in which her son was kissing whom she has considered her second son all her life. The thought reaching her mentality that those young guys looked like two brothers practicing incest in front of her eyes shook her medium body a bit before deciding that pushing the idea away from her head was a healthy option for her sanity.

It was an incorrectly stupid though to think, knowing that they were both children of different mothers.

The aging skin of the sensitive woman paled on many scales, she never stopped to think that her only son held that arcane feeling, considering the times that the chestnut boy made it known that he was a first-class womanizer during his puberty. She never stopped to think that her conceited offspring would ever change. Perhaps the closeness of that pair during their childhood could have allowed doubt to wander around Jo's head but, immediately, it was discarded when realizing that their friendship was just too cloying to be true, over time, she learned to see it quite normal.

Now she was simply shocked by the picture she was looking at.

So much so that she could not keep holding the gasp of surprise in her throat and stepped back, making enough noise to separate the lovebirds.

"Mom?" Nick was the first to open his mouth, alarmed, his eyes just like his mother's widening in an exaggerated way. "Mom, I-I thought you'd be at the table with Dad."

Tony's gaze also turned in his direction, shyly, as he wiped the remaining tears from his eyes, the blush on his cheeks turning light.

Jo put a hand to her chest when she felt discovered.

"N-Nicolas?" She whispered, in a weak voice, and then crossed her gaze to the curly one. "H-honey? What's going on here? I-I thought ... I thought ..."

She could not be angry or disappointed by his son's decisions, and even if she wanted to, she just could not do it. The gravity of the matter stunned her to a high degree, freezing her. She demanded an explanation to balance her sanity or all the commotion produced throughout the visit would end up hitting her twice, even multiplied by it.

The young boy with sapphires in his eyes approached leisurely, being backed by the dancer.

"Mom ..." His gaze betrayed fear, sighing in defeat. "I-I think Tony and I have to tell you something."

"M-my god" The poor housewife had to put a hand to her forehead because, suddenly, she felt as if the world was spinning. "I need to sit down before anything else."

"Of course, of course" Both boys rushed the light-haired blond woman back to the dining room, where she was immediately seated in the same seat where she had previously been while her son brought her a glass of cool water to ease her restlessness.

"What happened?!" Nick's father appeared instantly from the kitchen, watching the scene with terrified eyes and moving agitatedly to help his wife, his body shaking with nervousness when he saw her sweaty and pale. "My love, what happened? The pressure! The fucking pressure is on her!"

"I'm very sorry; there are many emotions that I have carried out." She lamented, taking all the amount of water that existed in the glass, managing to calm down slightly.

"Calm down, mommy Jo, okay?" This time, Tony sighed, driving the wind with his hand gestures so that the woman's pale expression disappeared and the pressure rose again. He turned his attention to his little bear. "I don't think it's a good idea to tell them, not now."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now