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The fog of sleep that darkened Nick's mind and body was rapidly unblocking, watching from his imagination how the hologram representing the portal to his fantasy world as a magic mirror gradually faded. When the taps that punctured his cheek accentuated his speed on his skin, he allowed himself to curse between babbles, unconscious before the person with whom he was dealing with his discomfort.

"The sun has risen, sleeping beauty" The maddening singing voice was an electromagnetic interference that threatened to burst the peaceful bubble, within which he was locked. "Wake up, come on, beautiful. I want to see those bright blue eyes."

Naturally, he manages to recognize the owner of the annoying voice "Go remove your testicles with pliers, Tony."

The softness that his quilts perpetuated tempted him to turn over, just like a worm stirring, and he hugged the fluffy pillow with which he was resting, repeating the journey he had to take to travel to the planet where unicorns could exist and not the impatience of certain dancer.

Did no one in that house think to respect his peace of mind when he shut himself up inside his cave, the only place where he could delight in his overwhelmed privacy, far from human contact? Seriously, it was irritable that someone thought that interrupting a person from his or her rewarded nap with the stupid excuse that if you got up early, your life would be lengthened fifty percent more than included.

Bullshit! Sometimes he came to think that the lives of others were not fun enough to be lived, and it was for that reason that they sought comfort among other people's lives, making them uncomfortable and impatient.

In all his young years, Nick had never had a similar accident ... until he let Tony sleep in his bed.

Despite the fact that his senses remained solid with unconsciousness, he was totally sure that the culprit, destroyer of his morning full of rose gardens and celluloid scenes, was aware of his reaction as a response against his cloying behavior, leading him to the deduction that the boy did it on purpose.

The brown-haired boy just wanted to hiss at him with the right punch to his handsome face and push his exercised body out of his bed, at least that way he could find the lost satisfaction he had for waking up that morning. It would be, in part, less demotivating.

"Yep, that's not going to happen." The black-haired boy stroked his silk hair gently, blowing hot air into his ear while imitating the action on his belly, with his other hand "Get up, Nicky sleepyhead. You have to serve me breakfast; come on, you promised to make it for me."

Oh, it made Nick madder that he used that manipulative tone of voice similar to that of a whimsical child, raised by millionaire parents and who always got what he wanted with a snap of his fingers "You're big enough to cater to your own needs, get me out of my mind again and I swear I'll put your broccoli head in a hot pan for this morning's menu."

"I knew you woke up," He laughed, leaving a kiss on the skin of his still fresh temple. The cold of the night had not helped much in giving them a calming break lately, "Good morning; my little koala."

"Fuck off, I'm not your fucking "little koala" He growled, grabbing the curb of his quilt to cover his entire body, separating from him, "You and your diminutives can go hug a cactus, I don't know, go ruin someone else's morning" He ordered, frustrated, and shooed with his hand "Go away, shu, shu, get out of here."

Instead of heeding him, the curly one grinned "It looks like someone got up with his period" He hummed.

"And it seems that someone woke up wanting to die today" He replied, under his hiding place.

The dancer slid down the length of the bed so he could get closer "Can I at least know the cause of your moodiness?"

The incredulous question caused his head to peek out from the duvets, lowering them down to his chest, so Tony could appreciate the scowling look he was giving him with his barely awakened features. He could already feel the mortifying caress from his little bear's knuckles attacking him mercilessly, he could already see the bruises coloring all over his body.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now