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"Come on, Odry!" Tony jumped for the umpteenth time on his short heels, tugging at his older brother's shirt while he was hiding whatever was behind him. "Mom told me you have a surprise for me, I want to see."

"She told you because you were a mess with the spoons while she cooked your cake." Ondreaz laughed, and with that small gesture, he managed to have his little brother with his arms crossed and pouting. "Well, now that you stayed still, close your eyes."

The little dark-haired boy obeyed and when his older brother made sure that his enthusiastic eyes were completely closed, he brought out the surprise that he had prepared.

"Now open your eyes." Tony returned to obey "Happy birthday, brat."

The adorable eyes of the youngest of the Lopez family widened and a gigantic smile widened on his lips, he still could not believe what was being projected into his gaze: A soccer ball.

Perhaps it was not a great gift compared to the remote control cars or collectible dolls he had received in his previous years, but the fact that his beloved brother had bought him something for his birthday, in itself was significant for the conceited little one. And it is that Tony considered valuable the fact that that simple ball of parties, turned upside down his other toys that the other children had given him as a courtesy on his birthdays, trinkets that were given to him for giving, without a feeling behind.

Ondreaz never had a chance to buy his unruly brother a gift, even though he knew from experience what the little Tasmanian devil really wanted. That gesture only earned him more points as the best brother in the world.

"It's the best gift in the whole word!" Tony threw himself towards the tallest once the ball was delivered to him, hugging the chestnut with such force that he thought he would lose the ability to breathe; emotion side effects. "I love you so much, Odry!"

The praised man smiled with tenderness, rubbing his little brother's head gently "You're welcome." He pushed him away so that he wouldn't continue to crush his organs; otherwise he would end up becoming a rag doll before the matinee will start. "Always keep in mind that as long as you are happy, I will also be happy".

The little tornado nodded energetically on his chest. "I have an idea!" He separated completely from his brother; this one breathes with relief. "Let's play with Nicky."

Ondreaz giggled when he saw how euphoric his brother was. "I wish I could but I promised mom that I would help her with the decoration of your birthday."

"Uhm" Tony sighed sadly but that did not stop him from showing his milk teeth again in a smile from ear to ear and that is if the black-haired boy had a tail, he would live shaking it every second since he always found a way to jump of joy. "I'll be back soon."

The little boy ran down the hall from the top floor to the stairs. "Don't be too long and be careful when you go out!" Ondreaz yelled from his room.

"Okay, Mom!"

Tony scoffed before shooting off like a burglar in pursuit with his new ball heading for his best friend's house, which was just a leaping wooden divider fence off the side of his own house.

The small lightning bolt leaped the short wall from the backyard of his home. He knew that when his mother realized that he was not jumping around, Ondreaz would take care of notifying him that he was playing with his best friend so that she could calm down immediately. The perfect fourth.

Once he was at the back of his friend's house, he grabbed a couple of stones and threw them one by one toward the name's window.

"Nicky!" The stone jumped through the ceiling. "Are you there, Nick?!"

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now