Extra: Halloween Tonick.

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The artificial look of a decorated pumpkin caused Nick to put an uncomfortable expression on his face.

The strange pumpkin-face-thing that hinted to be a satire on Donald Trump was perched in a corner, near the fence that outlined the backyard of the Hype House, but seemed to make a disgusting impression at first glance because of its novice and inexperienced craftsmanship. Its craftsmanship was much scarier than the face itself, whoever was the cause that created that monster, should, without a doubt, stay away from the instruments to decorate, more for the good of others than for their own.

He looked at the pool in front; its interior was empty so the boy assumed that, after a long night's journey, he had finally managed to find a space between the deck chairs to regain the peace he had lost due to the stress he has been maintaining stabbing into his head as if a hammer were driving hundreds of nails into his brain as his college assignments piled up day by day.

It was not his fault that he allowed his desk to fill up with notebooks and books! When you have a hot, uncontrollable boyfriend, there is no break.

Stretching his legs relaxed, he started to find his headphones in his pockets and place them in his ears once he found them. He switched on his phone and walked determinedly to his music player. He chose the right song, allowing it to invade his eardrums instead of the blatant noise from outside, as he checked his social media.

Halloween had come unexpectedly to town, he was so focused on saving his semester of studies that he completely forgot about the fun holiday, for which he usually used to organize his ideas in advance to showcase the perfect costume.

That year he had chosen a simple and characteristic style to suit his tastes since every year he chose different characters from his favorite horror films. In fact, he had never thought of disguising himself as some inclination that he truly localized to the highest of his tastes.

Yep, the round brown ears were a bit difficult to come by as surprisingly they were sold out immediately although, in the end, he managed to obtain them. The cuddly bear costume he had ordered online fitted his body flawlessly, even though it only hinted at the coveted animal since it had not come with the full combo.

By Nick's decision, he opted for boots that were shaped like the paws of a cartoon bear, with circular ears, a small brown tail, claws and an oval nose to personify the predator of the woods and mountains.

Everything had been improvised at the last minute because he had totally forgotten how to make his costume.

At the very least, his long-sleeved red plaid shirt and navy blue jeans fitted appropriately with the costume that he looked like a family father trying to impress his younger children. He admitted it, the costume was an abomination, but luckily Halloween was celebrated all month long so he could get another outfit the next day.

His goal now was to be the best of all.

The truth was that there was a costume contest every October at the university, according to what he had experienced during his first years studying at the establishment. He could not miss the opportunity, it was the first year he participated and the prize consisted of a trip with five tickets to the Bahamas islands with all expenses paid, including a round-trip airline, a two-night stay in a hotel five-star, food and medical care in case an unwanted accident should happen. All thanks to the good income from the boarding school, the international recognition of the fraternities and the charitable donation of parents with a presumed financial position.

He would win that contest no matter what.

He would do it to celebrate his first year of dating Tony. Although, in addition to them, three more people had to travel, the smile would not be erased from his face. He had cleverly thought of whom to bring in order to get a nice privacy.

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