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"Tony, can I talk to you? It will only be for a minute."

Throwing the necessary pieces into his small cross backpack, Tony zipped it up to close it before wrapping it around his shoulder. He turned on his heels to face the voice that had whistled in his ears, meeting his older brother leaning against the threshold of the door. He looked agitated, noted by the hardened arms crossed over his chest and the shudder of his feet staggering on the floor of the room.

He may have understood that gesture but he was already late.

Nick had promised to take him to the amusement park for the whole day, it was a sudden invitation that he could not simply assimilate quickly but in the end, he accepted. It was a bit of a mystery considering that he always did everything for his stubborn little boy, plus the fact that the chestnut was very proud enough to take a first step in the relationship.

He also did not complain. All he cared about now was not getting ready in time, Nick might have planned a beautiful surprise for him but he didn't think his impatience would improve for it. The alarm on his phone had not sounded at the indicated time and with that, he was not going to mention the fact that he had stuck to the sheets while taking a nap to recharge, no, he just had not timed, that was all.

Damn it, his head was going to be served on a silver platter if he didn't hurry.

He was still suspicious of the cute gesture of his favorite chestnut but that would not be an excuse to leave him dumped or something similar. Making sure there was nothing else he needed to store, he strode to the door of his bedroom.

"Sorry, I'm going with time out of hand."

"I'll just steal a second from you," He insisted, gently holding his arm, "Listen to me, please, it's important. I promise to let you go soon."

Tony looked at him, it was clear that his brother did not behave that way when talking to him. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to bend down to pay attention to what he had to say...

"Could you stop jerking off, Tony?!" Nick's exasperated scream floated up from the main floor of the house. "How long does it take, for God's sake?!"

Struggling a little, he managed to get out of the grip of the older one "I'm sorry, Odry, I have other unfinished business to do now." He sighed with regret, taking his steps along the corridor "What you have to tell me, we can talk later, alright?"

"Tony ..."

The worried voice was lost in midair as the curly one disappeared down the stairs, waving his hand in the back direction. He was really rushed and even if it was his brother, he did not want to screw things up with Nick again. He did not call it love but sometimes he had to make these kinds of sacrifices, things between him and the chestnut were still delicate after all.

Glancing around the main room, he managed to locate that complicated boy and smiled. Compared to the dancer, Nick held on to the downside of enthusiasm. The clear wrinkled eyebrows and the murderous look that fell from his features were irrefutable evidence that he did not share the same feeling of happiness, he supposed he was angry.

Far from worrying about his bitterness, the youngest of the Lopez smiled more emphatically. He loved his little prickly bear getting mad; in general, he loved everything about his boy.

"I can't believe you paid more attention to that silly porn that you were late with than to me, who was waiting for you for more than half an hour." He rolled his eyes, moving toward the door.

But he failed to get there. His body was caught by the thick arms of the black-haired boy before he could turn the knob; turning against his will, he was met with the incurable smile of the abusive guy.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now