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N / A: First of all, I want to say that I don't know if this is the true script of Sleeping Beauty but I improvised a bit with a kind of poetry that I wrote, Tony will tell Nick, I hope you really like it, the truth is that I wrote this chapter without inspiration and I fear for the result :c

Now let's move on to greetings:




Love ya all, thanks for give love to this story, I really cherish it :'3

If you want to be greeted in a intense/beautiful chapter remember to read, vote and comment the story. Hope you enjoy the chapter, with all your love, ziambelieve<3


"No, no, no." Throwing his script pad onto the smooth wooden floor of the stage, Nick shook his head impatiently as he brought his hands to his head in a vain attempt to contact his calm back. "You're doing it all wrong, Tony."

Growling, he dropped onto the hard platform and supported the weight of his body with his forearms. He was sure that if he kept orienting the boy, he would end up pulling the hairs out of his head and, when he finished harvesting the last of all, he would hang the dancer's neck until he found the whereabouts of his tranquility to force it to reinstate itself in his sanity again. At first he thought that incompetence was managing to invade the black-haired boy due to the shrinkage that the different colors of visiting gazes caused in him, but soon after the holders of those gazes left the building, he realized that the inefficiency in his rehearsal partner was innate.

That was not how they should practice. Every time they started starring in a part of the script, setbacks prepared to interrupt the stage. First, Tony magically forgot his lines, and then one thing led to another, causing the curly guy to end up gasping for air at his chest as he was the target of fits of laughter whenever they tried to persist in a scene. Details that only managed to exhaust the patience of the chestnut; he thought he would be more professional.

Rummaging in his pockets, he retrieved his phone before turning on the screen to be alert about the time. It was almost time to go back to the Hype House; they had been contacted half an hour ago to inform them that a photo session would be held in the main room. Nick wasn't too worried about being late, not at all, it became normal for everyone that the rich boy ignored the requirements to carry out the activities of the fraternity but this time he would go early just to save himself from the stressful conflict that exploded his head for having to bear the dancer.

It was so difficult for him to take the antics seriously that Thomas, the main coordinator of the house, made them comply. If it were not for the fame that the group has been collecting on social networks, they would never have continued with the ridiculous project of fraternal coexistence. He hired photographers to do a photo shoot every time a student joined, unfortunately not everyone was accepted to join the influential corral, which made the reputation of the place not well seen in the university aspect compared to the Sway House, a knights' fraternity where any boy is approved, or the Kitty House, a maids' fraternity where any girl is approved, as long as both genders take hold of beauty and talent.

Sighing, the dark-haired boy picked up the script from the floor. "You know? I'm really trying just for you." He excused himself. "You could be a little nicer with appreciation."

"What a surprise, the most manipulative fuckboy ever has trouble making himself a character." Nick quipped, crossing his thin arms across his chest. "If you really focused on screw me to help me with this and messing up my comfort zone, then take it with more responsibility, as if you were also involved in this because as you go, they would surely take away your scholarship."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now