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"... I'm also a model on social media." Amelie, with her shy red cheeks like tomatoes, cringed into her place next to the terrified feeling of being sunk under the wave of glances that covered her "Although sometimes I am hired to pose in magazines or make television commercials."

"Wait, now that I think about it, I think I've seen you somewhere." Unexpectedly, Dixie settled into the conversation too "Are you the girl who came out in that commercial for the peach-flavored conditioner?"

Amelie smiled at her, proud "You're talking to her right now." She nodded.

"They also contacted me to audition for that role," She recalled, flapping her eyes. "This is fabulous, another supermodel in the house. How come we haven't met each other before?"

Avani interfered from a corner of the row of counters that settled to one side of the kitchen "What about Kouvr, Madison Lewis, or Loren Gray?"

The dark-haired freckled girl scared her question with a wave of her hand "I'm only talking about professionals."

Widening her eyes at the conceit branded in the words of the eldest of the D'malio's sisters, the brunette girl grimaced and agreed that it would be a favorable idea if she did not open her mouth again in response. On the other hand, Amelie just smiled at her in thanks.

"So what do you say, girl?" Dixie insisted, "Do we meet to meet each other or do you have something more important to do?"

She shrugged "I guess we should meet up someday to talk, for now, I have an appointment pending with my boyfriend." Standing up, placing the stool on which she was sitting back in place, spread a promising smile from her lips before giving Nick her attention "Shall we go, sweetheart?"

The chestnut boy listened to the orchestra of laughter that his three friends sang from the other side of the island, where Chase, Ryland and Michael were. His eyes were able to melt the North Pole when he gave them a harsh look but he didn't stay to argue with them about it.

"We'd better get going right now," He agreed, the handshake his new girlfriend gave him was unpredictable but before he could at least blink, he was already being pulled towards the door, causing the volume of laughter to increase "We'll be back later!"

Until they finally went out.

Dixie was the first to speak when the two presences evaporated. "I don't know how he does it, but that fool does have good tastes."

As soon as the girl picked up her tongue, the rain of words began to splash around each other's mouth about the breakup and the other problems as a consequence of her infidelity. Most were happy for their conquering friend, apparently they agreed that the boy's Don Juan costume had to hibernate and his true being had to catch his better half once and for all.

At the other end of the iceberg was Tony, who showed just the opposite. Sitting on one of the steps, pretending to check his phone; at least that way no one noticed that the dancer was glancing, with displeasure, at the stage that had been set up in the kitchen.

The week had passed quickly. Since Nick and Amelie made the status of their relationship official, Tony has been unable to control the weight of reality. The broken crystals of his heart had pierced his consciousness, causing all the clouds to cloud around him and the lightning powered by them began to wreak havoc on his routine.

He spent an entire week, balancing his sanity so as not to lose himself in the darkness of fury. Focusing his energy on sleeping with every pretty girl he came across, including Madison, with whom he still continued to practice his dance lessons after school. He stained the atmosphere of his aura with bitterness, locking himself inside his own bubble and glaring with arrogance at anyone who dared to try to burst it. He lost his spirits from his studies, he was even on the verge of being expelled again but his colleagues from the Hype House always appeared to save his ass.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now