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The clarity of the day had ceased and the night had regained its life, eclipsing the afternoon sunlight to make way for the shadow that was watered by the perimeters around the campus, at the same time that the shape of the streets were illuminated by a combination between bluish and yellowish due to the gaze of the moon and the awakening of the streetlights. The boarding school students returned to their respective dormitories with the aim of recharging their energy battery to drain them again the next day after prowling through a long day of activities. The beginnings of the week of classes were always heavy: New classes, homework presentations, exhibitions, lessons, practices.

The necessary hell that scourged the youth crown.

In the middle of the sleepy balm, Nick stood as tight as ever with an imaginary rope of discomfort around his neck. After a sway of restaurants and amusement parks -places where the chestnut usually took his lovers because he had no idea of ​​the existence of a better one- he concluded his date with Amelie.

Now that he thought his deliriums had finally died down, he allowed himself to sigh in relief inwardly to avoid giving the girl any encouragement and not to start an unbearable tantrum scene. But the peace that traveled towards his system, retraced its steps when the blue-eyed girl's hand provocatively squeezed his and pulled his insistently like a four-year-old daughter who asked his parents for attention.

"How about we go to my room?" Nick didn't know the moment his date had approached, ignoring her observations, and had placed his mouth over his ear, whispering sensually. "We could have more privacy than we were granted, no one would interrupt us."

Sure as if he hadn't had enough with the pink lipstick marks strewn over his slim body, created when they magically visited an empty alley in the city and Amelie came up with the wonderful idea of ​​making love behind a dumpster. Fortunately, the lack of hygiene turned off the overload of her hormones, that was a relief, Nick had no desire to feel the tickle of the rats walking through his naked body.

Hanging light bulbs on the sides of the hall walls greeted them as they boarded the front door of the Kitty House, where his girlfriend resided. The small ceiling that covered the entrance and the white cement pillars that balanced it, gave a more glamorous aspect to the mansion that was visible despite the night coat.

"I'm a little tired." He tried to get out of the grip, dodging the cheeky kiss she wanted to stamp against his lips "The only pleasure I want to feel now is to lie on my bed and fall into a coma until the Teddy Bears take over the world."

His girlfriend laughed, wrapping his tanned arms around the older boy's neck "You have the mentality of a baby, darling." She looked at him with a flirtatious glow "But if you come with me, you can find all kinds of pleasure you need."

"I don't think it's a good idea, then I'll end up getting everything except what I really want and I need to rest right now." He gently pushed the opposite body to push her away, pretending, when in reality he just wanted to tell her that this was all a game planned to forget his first love, even if it was not bearing fruit "I must get up early, I have a lesson to take tomorrow."

Yes, that was a pathetic excuse that not even the dumbest one on the planet would believe but, to his amazement, he managed to make the girl fall "Alright, my love, I know your studies are more important." She sighed "We can leave it for later, in the meantime, go rest. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Nick forced himself to receive the thoughtless kiss goodbye that he knew would slide to his lips.

Waving a wave of goodbye with his hand, the chestnut began his journey towards his own house once he was sure that the model would not come out again. Deciding that he would discuss for another day the topic of romantic nicknames -which were too soon to be named- so as not to remain stuck in the same claims speech, he mentally applauded himself for having somehow managed to free himself from the explicit idea of Amelie on having sex with him.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now