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It's true what they always say out there, the less you expect things to happen it is because it's the right time for them to happen, no matter how prepared or shot down you have been for them.

Nick couldn't count the times his eyes flickered incessantly from the surprise that those same things struck him, as if one of his darkest secrets had come to light without being noticed, sloppy. He was totally paralyzed by the feeling of having been exposed to the public, cornered, with no opportunity to press a finger and slide it to erase the dusty stain of the matter.

His face turned pale in various muted tones in the same way that it did within his dreams, his mouth gasping at the result of the processing in his head. He couldn't say a word about it because he had run out of arguments, he just had not imagined it would be this way, he never thought the beautiful young lady would suddenly surprise his life back to seek to accept what he once unreasonably mentioned, as if the existence of his sentimental waste was not a sufficient problem to deal with.

But there she was; stable in front of him only two meters away, watching him under a red shadow of mischief. Her expressions were obvious as her intentions, and no one could deny at this point that the main objective of the unexpected visit was based on courting the chestnut kid. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. His mind was blank, he didn't know what to do now and he was not to blame, it was impossible to imagine that she would appear after having got over her.

Life is a stream where the aftermath of what happened at the time, creeps up to the waterfall. The fact that he had been attracted to the girl before, gagged Nick. It was just a small and insignificant attraction, a feeling that did not cross the line of love but instead fell back to the line of lust.

If Dixie had not appeared in his life field, he would have continued to sleep with the blue-eyed lady. They would have gone out on dates more times, they would have become friends with benefits because neither of them was enthusiastic about having a serious relationship at that time, they would have shared a true university life in all its splendor, respecting youthful madness, without chains, without commitments or resentments, just pure fun.

But as always, it all went wrong in a spiral of seconds and he was screwed if he tried to avoid ruining everything he stepped on.

Noticing the awakening of the girl's words, his two best friends shared a strange look before turning on their heels and bumping into the smiling young lady. Both pairs of eyes seemed to want to get out of their sockets instantly; they knew that tension that broke down in the environment when something like this arose. They knew the meaning of her coming out of nowhere and attacking Nick directly, there was a reason they were best friends, the loyalty and trust that existed between them did not allow them to ignore the problem.

But, as all best friends do, they would let things be discussed privately.

"So what do you say, Nicolas?" Not caring about other people's attention, Amelie created a persuasive gesture with her eyes. "Is the proposal still standing?"

The aforementioned did not even breathe a sigh but that was no reason for him not to feel uncomfortable by the silly name, he was not called that and his friends heard him coming from the feminine voice, he fell from the shame.

Instead, Ryland and Chase, far from make jokes about it, automatically shifted uneasily over their posts; becoming, for the uninvited, buzzing flies within her personal bubble.

"Now that I remember, I think Ondreaz had called me a little while ago." In the end, it was Ryland who ended up opening his mouth. He started his steps toward the kitchen doorway, taking one last look at the chestnut that would face the consequences of his acts "Good luck, Austin."

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