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The stars glued to the dark blanket that cemented the night sky watched Tony sitting on the plastic wood floor of the balcony as the black-haired boy stared back at them across the physical distance. The night breeze and its season was chilling, despite the texture of the sweater the dancer wore, the icy wind could still easily embed itself within the fabric. But he did not care how much the degree of cruelty with which nature struck, he would continue awkwardly trying to stay warm with his knees drawn up and his arms wrapped around them. The only thing that betrayed his presence in the little place that the fraternity acquired was the soft blue clarity that the full moon gave.

He had gone up there in order to organize his thoughts a little; everything had become unbalanced due to the surprise that Ondreaz had planned for him. Appreciating the calm of the night, he pulled his phone out of his pockets along with a pair of headphones and plugged them into his ears, waiting for the music in his player to flow automatically.

He knew very well that Nick would allow him to sleep with him in his room without having an explanation at hand to give him, but he was also aware that it would not be long until the boy discovered the secret of his new little nephew. He did not genuinely care about him, his only concern now was the curiosity of the other members of the Hype House in case any suspicions fell, he feared for their reactions if they reached the end of the discovery.

The storm would soon run out of its cage because of the attitudes that those involved in the case were taking, they had to learn to behave quickly or otherwise, they would face the consequences. A topic like secrets was something not to be played with out of boredom, considering the number of participants trying to unearth them.

Tony was sure that his older brother did not regret having done what he thought appropriate, the older chestnut was bearing the weight with much responsibility and he admired him for that. But even though they had the roughest bullets to fire in the event of a counterattack, they still feared for the slips that their solutions might cause them to counter.

He prayed that his past mistakes would disappear like ashes in the air and thus they would not attack him unexpectedly as well. His brother had been a victim of them, that mistake made him doubt the security of the confidence he had with his future. He really wanted to start a new life with no worries or demons to haunt him.

He really wanted to start a new life with his little bear.

Because it had taken a lot of effort for his idiocy to be forgiven, he just could not screw things up again, not now that everything was going great.

Slender arms cornered his neck gently unsuspectingly, causing him to take his gaze off the stars. Glancing quickly over his shoulder, he was delighted by the irresistible caress when he recognized the intoxicating scent of the only thing he could get lose in a murderous spiral.

His teddy bear took away a headset "Are you coming?"

The question floated softly straight to his eardrums, tearing a smile from his lips "Give me a few seconds and I'll be there."

"Okay, but don't take too long," The chestnut nodded and separated from the older one, ready to return the way he had appeared, "The weather is a motherfucker in California, you will catch a cold if you keep allowing the cold to hit you that way."

Finished saying that, he disappeared down the hall.

Tony returned to focus on the stars, the growing glow of them became more and more intense that made him close his eyes under them.

"Don't worry," He whispered to heaven, obviously addressing a certain chestnut owner of his heart, "I know that you will be my best doctor."

Opening his eyes again, he stood up and entered the house when the night breeze began to hit him harder, and he was forced to agree with his adviser guy.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now