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Don't get Tony wrong, don't get carried away by the opposite, he's totally straight. He had had his girlfriends, his sexual encounters, and he loved his female admirers like any famous teenager. He had a lot of judgment ahead, with his stocky body and handsome face; he could sell millions with a single image. He was not to blame for being damn sensual, far from being uncomfortable; he was flattered that both boys and girls fell in love with him.

Don't throw rocks at him with another uncertain opinion, he also wanted to get married and start a family like every childhood dream. But there was something that made him nervous, a critical point that made a part of his heart jump. That something is a person who had innocently managed to confuse his feelings. Who, without warning, managed to wield his machine of emotions; a person he loved very much, a person he missed, a person he wanted to meet after having disappeared from his life without leaving a sign.

Tony's heart had been squeezed and he had been hurt but he was still walking in search, he had hopes and that was what mattered above all else. He just wanted to get his best friend back, he wanted to understand his feelings, and he wanted to apologize for reacting in a different way, he wanted to... be by his side.

Although he still didn't understand the heavy sigh his heart blew every time someone named him, it was clear to say that Nick Austin had changed his life.

"This is the project room ..."

Tony was absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't pay attention to whatever Chase was saying. Pushing his emotional issues to the back of his heart, he did his best to get a feel for the chestnut's speech. He had to attend; it would serve him to orient himself better in the immense university. When he was conscious, he found the boy pointing to a door with a small glass window that allowed him to see what was happening inside.

"It's like a workshop, here you can build any kind of thing that will serve you both to earn points in a subject and to test your invention skills if you want." He explained, gesturing with his hand. "The university invests a lot to provide us with the necessary tools so that we can deal with our projects or to satisfy our needs."

The dancer approached and observed the group of students who were inside, putting together a spectacular model that surely had taken days to complete. A blonde of medium height turned her face, making eye contact with Tony. It was there when he could witness the deep dark bags that hung from under her clear eyes, her porcelain face looked emaciated and judging by her appearance, the poor girl screamed for a bathroom, she seemed not to have slept for days.

The dark-haired boy quickly left the door, with the impact of the scene, fresh in his eyes. "Oh, Jesus Christ. Do you enslave them to do their projects? "

A man in a long tie and buttoned shirt walked past them; eyeing them with an eyebrow raised through the paste glasses he wore covering his elderly eyes.

"Nah, that's ridiculous." Chase immediately scared his words away. Once the man disappeared at the end of the hallway, the green-eyed boy grimaced at Tony before reaffirming his comment. "It happens that when someone fails to pass the electromagnetic projections test for a certain time, it must continue working on the project until the end of the test."

"Isn't that student exploitation?"

"Shh, lower your voice." The chestnut hissed with a finger in his mouth, immediately, he looked everywhere to make sure that no one was near them and caught them saying that. "Let your mouth stand aside and your tongue be made clay. You can't let a teacher hear you say that kind of thing, if they discover you; there will be no one to save you from being a dead man."


Chase sighed, putting an arm around Tony's shoulders before they started walking, walking away from the project room.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now