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8 years later...

"I do."

The voice floated in a soft whisper that managed to become audible to everyone present. The pure air that nature emanated constantly blew, causing the blue and red roses to sway nervously in the wedding arch, which had been elegantly decorated by those famous dancers who were forming trends in social networks, and which hooked up a transparent white tablecloth that moved like a mischievous snake through the greenish decoration of the leaves on the altar, moving in time with the other objects.

The seats brought in from the sponsoring church had been arranged with much organized and stubbornness on the lawn of the place, now being involuntarily dragged back when all the guests of the special day stood up to clap and shout congratulations at the kiss that Tony and Nick shared when they accepted each other until death parted them.

The priest smiled with tenderness like the others, surely for having completed another excellent job, and the frosted transparent gold-colored tablecloths waved like flags but the small colorful tacks on the rear ends of the seats, fulfilled their duty of maintaining strength against the passage of the wind.

Tony took the hands of his now spouse delicately and stared into his bright blue eyes, so mesmerized in those gems that his heart leapt in love the first moment he discovered them. The weak shadow of his growing beard covered the black-haired man's cheeks, just as the scratchy sensation had the opportunity to emerge if someone subdued them under the whim of his touch.

His hardened face expanded a little when he betrayed a smile in his direction, that gleaming predatory gesture that only a wolf in heat possessed and which had the joy of finding his unfortunate prey. His body had matured more than expected, strengthening his gladiator complex along with his abs and pecs that, thanks to the hard work in the membership he carried from the gym he went to and his artistic presentations, now looked majestic and credible compared to how they looked in their college principles.

The university ... he would miss it a lot, all his best experiences had been born in that place and would remain locked there, and in his and their memories.

His now totally black hair had lost the curls that embellished it but the square pompadour that rose from the roots did not make him lose that innate charm he enjoyed, making him in the public eye like a true boss with his hair care and his dress suit. Nick looked adorable and at the same time attractive also in his two-piece suit, both had chosen to marry in black so that they would not make fun of them later, claiming that the impudence would abound if they were inclined to try white.

The features still prevailed peaceful on his porcelain skin, which was free of wounds and scars but infused with slight signs of a promising blond beard under the tip of his chin. Shy cheeks that turned crimson every time that hazel gaze found him across the line, his hair pure brown because he had grown tired of the dyes and cavalierly combed back, reflecting the unruly strands that fell down his forehead and displaying his flawless eyes like sapphires in a museum who were now being protected under the cover of frame glasses.

The younger's beauty seemed to be infinite in view of the dancer, regardless of his defects, which in addition to accepting them, he loved them unconditionally.

Despite his age, he was still beautiful... he would still be his little bear.

The chestnut had also been exercising alongside his beloved and because of that, his suit tightened his nascent muscles in a passionate way. They both looked handsome, cuddly together, living in the paradise they had been dreaming of since they made their relationship work and together they formed a perfect marriage...

"It seems like yesterday when you asked me for holy marriage instead of eight years ago," Nick spoke first, losing himself in the older man's smile, "This ... is like a dream come true, the dream I've always dreamed of."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now