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The snooping crowd was gradually dispersing, as Nick's footsteps shortened the measured distance between the campus and the cafeteria, causing most of the students to return to their respective affairs as if it were a prison confrontation once the curtain on the show came down. He stomped on, his fists digging into his palms angrily as he clenched them as he watched the pink mid-waist blouse that matched the tracksuit pants Avani was wearing, who watched the boy in horror from the entrance of the small establishment.

"Oh, my God. Nick!"

The brunette girl rushed to catch the slimmer body once he entered the cafeteria. A few glances fell on them, surely expectant amateurs of the scandalous fight that took place several minutes ago, snooping over the boy's physical condition in search of any injuries caused before returning to their affairs. Avani was no exception.

"Are you okay? I witnessed everything Griffin did to you." She parted, clasping her hands with his to guide him to the reserved table. She sighed in relief. "If only Tony hadn't shown up, I wouldn't know how far you could have resisted or when I would have had to interfere to beat up that motherfucker."

"I'm fine, thanks." He replied coldly.

Nick rolled his eyes, annoyed, careful that the girl did not find the gesture and inquire into it. The dancer was the reason why he was angry, lately everything in his head revolved around him, to such an extent that the details of his studies, his concentration or the focus towards the presence of his friends became annoying insignificance. He wasn't paying close attention to what his surroundings were projecting but he was aware that his mind was still bent on retransmitting the memories of the words Tony uttered at every step of the damn second.

How dare he get into his confrontation? That question seemed to constantly border his head; Nick was not a damsel in distress that a prince charming came to her rescue. He was also a man and he could face his problems with his own defenses, no matter how vulnerable they were, he used his pride as a potential weapon to escape many fights. He can do it alone but as always, someone stopped him from doing it.

He didn't know that it had made him more humiliated, that his neck had almost been ripped from his body in one fell swoop, with no chance of dodging the attack, or that Tony had appeared to remove his teenage costume and reveal the hero who was a hidden to save him from his enemy, in front of a whole thirsty crowd to see action.

He was, in a way, his hero.

Realizing what he had thought, he shook his head to scare away the absurd ideas that swirled in his head, what on earth was he saying? The curly wasn't his stupid hero; he's just an idiot who kept a promise.

Likewise, he ended up in the arms of Avani, who was helping him. The girl held Nick's hand as if he had been crushed like a mouse and guided him to the table that she had reserved herself. There were still some gossipy glances that couldn't take their eyes off of them but they decided to ignore them; his friend would do the job of murdering them later.

"I'm relieved to hear that." She put a hand to her chest to give her words more credibility, sitting down. "I thought Griffin had something screwed out of his brain and gone too far."

"Are you saying I'm weak?" He raised an eyebrow at her with a hint of anger as he took a seat in the chair across from the brunette. "Do you think I can't deal with my own shit on my own and someone needs to be right on my heels to prevent them from coming back to throw me on top? Is that what you think of me?"

"Honey, I'm very sorry to think that." The black-haired girl just dedicated a regretful expression to him, cocking her head with pity. "But, let's face it, I didn't see so much future for your physical stability within that fight, honestly, I thought he would demolish you as fast as a house of cards."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now